Defeating the Forces of Liberalism Through Whining![]() Well, it seems that the author, one Brian C. Anderson, has expanded that thesis into a book by adding a colon and "The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias" to the old title. Regnery is publishing it, and it will be out February 1, per Amazon (or in March, per the Wall Street Journal). To drum up interest in the tome, the WSJ has published this article by Mr. Anderson. While it seems to be merely the article from last year about hip "South Park" watching young Righties, mixed together with some stuff about conservative students defeating the hippie administration (much like that piece by John T. Plecnik that we pointed you to a couple of days ago), if the WSJ thinks it's worthy of our consideration, then it must be. So, let's take a look at it.
Nope. I think the kids were protesting the new season of "The O.C.", Janet Jackson's breast, or something equally stupid -- because otherwise this piece wouldn't be appearing on the WSJ's opinion page.
No? Color me totally shocked!
And legacies could buy one for a dime! Oh, and Richard Mellon Scaife bought a whole crate of them in order to get the cookies on the best seller list, and then gave them to conservative students for free. so, all in all, it was a great learning experience.
Because if parents are paying good money for their kids to be educated, then the kids damn well better come out of college not just with a diploma, but also with their parents' values held firmly in their hearts. That's what the free market is all about.
"Self-organizing" meaning "organized by conservative-funded groups," as we've seen previously.
Let's consider square-jawed young Evan for a moment. As we learn from a WSJ "College Journal" piece, he got internships at both The American Enterprise Institute and the Ethics and Public Policy Center -- you know, those big conservative think tanks -- and seems sure to have a career in his target field, public-policy consulting, handed to by some conservative group immediately following graduation.
Evan is being discriminated against and victimized because people have different opinons than he does, and that tends to make him think that the other people, being smart, may be right. Oh, the humanity! Anyway, Evan is an example of the kind of young conservative who is fighting the liberals to a standstill, per Brian. Let's meet some more of them:
Take a bath, dirty hippy! Anyway, Here's the first part of one of Jordana's articles for the Tuft school paper:
It seems that Jordana is a victim too. I wonder if that's how these self-organizing young people are taking over the Left's last domain: by whining. But back to Brian's article about these indomitable conservative hipsters:
Matt, of course, would be totally aware of it if "South Park" ever made fun of conservatives -- but it never does, which is why he enjoys it so much. But speaking of these young conservatives and their iPods, here's part of a piece about the illegal file sharing going on at Washington U, thanks to an illicit network ran on the university's computers by a network administrator nicknamed "Hal":
So, when not enjoying the antics of "South Park," Matt is busy illegally sharing pirated copies of copyrighted movies, music, and (presumably) porn. But at least he's not a whiner, just a wanker. And a fine example of conservative values in action. But Brian presents many more fine, young conservatives, to include:
Wow, a professor at UNC/Chapel Hill said that every single member of the U.S. military is a baby killer, even with a uniformed member of the military sitting in the class! I'd find this hard to believe if I didn't know that Debra was paid by the conservative Collegiate Network (alumni include Rich Lowry, Dinesh D'Souza, and Ann Coulter) to intern at the Moonie Times -- and so has professional ethics that would prevent her from lying. Anyway, Brian covers a lot of other things too, like if conservatives are disadvantaged socially (that is, by the liberal establishment, not by nature or nurture).
So, it sounds like conservative students can go to Southern schools, where they will be in the majority, or go to "elite" schools, where they might not get into the most prestigious drinking groups if their views are known. Wow, I can see why they feel so downtrodden. Brian also gives us the obligatory Charlotte Simmons paragraph:
Yes, people, conservatives students are being forced (by liberal administrators) to attend parties where everyone gets wasted, and are required (by liberal professors) to engage in hookup sex. I guess they really are being oppressed. Brian concludes:
Yes, thanks to conservative groups, run by adults and funded by The Lynne And Harry Bradley Foundation, Richard Scaife, the Olin Foundation, and the Carthage Foundation, self-organizing conservative students are defeating liberalism on campus. 5:53:11 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?Our gun-stockpiling, newslist-lurking Mystery Guest was indeed Dr. Professor Mike Adams, as Bill S. said. While Dr. Mike sounds increasingly nutty with each of these "letters" he shares with us, I imagine that the guns have to suffer through a whole lot worse. (Mike: "Colt, that snotty lunchroom cashier looked at me funny today, undoubtedly because I'm a conservative. But someday we'll make them all pay, won't we, Colt? It's just you and me against the world!" The Gun: "Mike, I think we should see other people.") Our bonus Mystery Guest (the one who hates the word "neocon," is the self-proclaimed leader of "the new media, and who thinks Iran-Contra was "fabulous" was Rush Limbaugh. (Hey, the "fabulous" should have given it away). Jpe was the first to call it. Now, who said this?
The streets will run red with the blood of the infidels if they try to oppose us! Oh, and he also said this, about those who want to bring the Republican Party a little farther away from the lunatic fringe and more towards the center:
Bonus Mystery Guest: Yes, lowering taxes while also "exporting freedom" (AKA "engaging in a discretionary war") and increasing spending at home, thus placing the burden for paying for all this on our children, indeed shows a lot of character. The Republican personality will split in a couple of years, as all huge majorities do in America. Idealistic neocons will be challenged by plodding, pragmatic paleocons, who, by fuzzing the party's present character, will someday lead it down the road to defeat.Apparently this pundit didn't get the news from Rush that the word "neocon" just means "Republican Jew," so we should quit using it -- and this from a guy who prides himself on his lexicographical knowledge! 2:42:02 AM |
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