Townhall ReviewOkay, I'm a day late (and several dollars short), and my betters (TBogg, Roger Ailes, Pandagon, etc.) have already done a great job reporting on these columns, but that's no reason not to have a brief Townhall Review, is it? Well, IS IT??? Anyway, the theme of this edition is: Going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Except Ben didn't get the memo. 1. Ben Shapiro Ben claims that the reason that Oliver Stone's Alexander the Great didn't do as well at the box office last week as The Incredibles or Polar Express is because we all became moral on November 5th, and so we no longer want to see movies about homosexuals.
Well, Ben paid money to see it, but that's because he had to take notes on that full-mouthed kiss, and Hephasiston's muscular, strong thighs. You know, for his column. Walter did get the memo, and so is eager to tell us that Janet Jackson's boobie, Nicolette Sheridan's dropped towel, and the Pistons/Pacers ruckus are signs that civilization has been steadily going down the toilet over the past several years. Why in Walter's day, not only did men give up their seats to women on the street car, but children didn't address adults by their first names! And Walter tied an onion to his belt, which was the style at the time.
And who are today's young people to decide that time-honored traditions like cutting of the hands of thieves, beheading apostates, and stoning adulteresses, don't work? 3. Brent Bozell Brent explains that we're going to the hot place in that hand basket because the media liberal bias won't go away when Rather and Brocow retire.
And anybody who would impugn gas-guzzling SUVs clearly isn't a NASCAR kind of guy, and therefore must be a snob, and thus a liberal and a sinner. And Brent hates those guys! It will all be TV's fault if Kathleen's children grow up to be unmannered louts, serial killers, or even worse, Howard Stern fans.
Aw, Kathleen, we labeled you a rube and a prude long before this! 5. Linda Chavez Even though the International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the United States of torturing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, it wasn't REAL torture, in that no iron maidens were used. And anyway, wouldn't we be justified in brutalizing everybody in the Middle East if it could save one American puppy's life?
And even if resulted in no useful imformation at all (which it basically didn't), wouldn't it be fun to do it anyway? And what's so bad about having fun? 6. Gary Aldrich Medical Marijuana initiatives are part of that hand basket, in that their supporters are just dope-using, spoiled liberal babies who don't care that people who use marijuana go on to become heroin addicts and dope fiends. And anyway, it's all Bill Clinton's fault. Cut your hair, hippie!
And that is why people dying of cancer who need marijuana to help with the chemo side-effects shouldn't get it: because some of Bill Clinton's staff had used marijuana, and look what happened to Clinton!
Some of them even die. Of cancer! This message was brought to you by Joe Friday and the makers of Reefer Madness, who want to remind you that Bill Clinton is responsible for everything that wrong with America -- including the fact that Hillary is allowed to live here. 3:18:01 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?Bob from Alaska (and the rest of you) quickly identified yesterday's Mystery Guest as the lovely and talented Lynne Cheney. We want to thank Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel for providing a valuable public service by transcribing this work for our edification and titillation (at her bad writing, of course). Here's another snippet for you:
But hey, they better not want to get married like us, because their ardors really AREN'T as real as our own if we need the homophobe votes! Now, who said this?
And so on, until there's a "P" shortage at the mag. 2:10:32 AM ![]() |
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