If Alan Keyes Lost the Election, Why does 'Renew America' Still Exist?I think this is something The Corner should get right on. In any case, here are a couple of Renew America pundits to brighten your day and teach you the lessons of the election. First, let's hear from Barbara Stock, the Nurse Ratchett of the right. Her column is entitled, "What Have the Democrats Learned?" Her conclusion: nothing. But, per Barbara, at least Osama learned that we aren't Spain, and France learned that we are idiots. Oh, and Barbara agrees with the person (sorry, I'm too tired to remember who you are) who said that the voters surveyed in those exit polls lied, claiming to have voted for Kerry because they were ashamed of their votes for Bush.
Except it wasn't their "hard-core Democrat friends" who were doing the questionning, it was professional pollsters (as far as I know). People tell professional pollsters stuff like that only shower once a week, never floss their teeth, cheat on their spouse, and cheat on their taxes. So, if they'd rather lie than tell the pollster that they voted for Dubya, it must say something about Dubya (and not just that Kerry is "far left").
So, per Barbara, what Democrats should have learned from the election is: the majority of Americans (51%) don't see the world the way that you do, so your kind should never run for public office again, should never hold political power, and should try to be loving and cooperative like the Republicans. But instead, you will probably just do something sneaky, like run again in 2006, and leave us no choice but to exterminate you all. Now, here's Paul M. Weyrich, the King of the Wingnuts.
While that would explain a lot about why the world is so screwed up, I refuse to believe it.
God? Or could it be . . .Satan? I mean, folklore is full of stories about losers who sell their souls for power, fame and success (and often times, a hot babe). Doesn't it make more sense that George made a deal with the devil (Karen Hughes) to win this election, than that a just God would punish the rest of us just to help reelect a President who screwed things up so badly during his first term?
So, God manipulates evangelicals (and some Catholics to boot) at the behest of Karl Rove???
In other words, God created gays and made them want to get married, just so people would hate them and push George Bush to victory.
Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon might disagree about that "most negative media coverage" thing.
... and their prayers carry more weight than the prayers of Democrats, just like the prayers of the winning sports team are more effective than the prayers of the losers.
... to thousands of Iraqis
... a proud look, a lying tongue, hands which shed innocent blood, etc.
...because God lives inside Ten Commandments boulders.
And I have it on good authority that if they blow it this time, they get the Cities of the Plains treatment. 5:59:56 AM |
Who Said It?Yes, yesterday's mystery guest was Rush Limbaugh, who explained to his radio-show listeners that a vote for George Bush wasn't a vote against gay marriage, but was instead a vote against blue-state breasts. (And I agree with Jonathan that "Mr. Snerdley" is just one of the voices in Rush's head, possibly one evoked by those pills with the blue centers.) Now, what good Christian said this?
4:37:12 AM |
We Visit the Corner We haven't been to NRO's "The Corner" in a while, because, like King Arthur said about Camelot, "It's a silly place." However, because we take to heart our obligation to bring you all the wingnuts who aren't fit to print, we paid a call on the assorted losers who hang out there. The big news is that Kathryn Jean Lopez is calling on their readers to pester everybody in D.C. and demand that Arlen Specter not be allowed to serve as the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. You know, because he might not support Bush's plan to assassinate Ruth Bader Ginsburg and replace her with a judge who shares KJ's values: someone like Judge Ann Coulter. Here are a couple of selections from KJ's dozens of posts on the topic:
So, if your candidate wins an election, it means that the world should be reordered completely to your liking. Say, I see, "We won the election, and yet ..." being the "We can put a man on the moon, but ..." of the new millennium. Here are some examples of how I think it could be used: Doug Giles: "We Christian evangelical wild men warriors won this election, and yet you people of my church keep bugging me with your stupid personal problems! Will your mother be any less dead if I interrupt my study/hunting time to talk to you now, instead of waiting for office hours? Hey, here's Billy Graham's home phone number; call him for a change." Ben Shapiro: "We Judeo-Christian conservative young people won this election, and yet some of my classmates at Harvard still laugh at me? As America's youngest syndicated columnist (and a student at Harvard Law), I demand that you call them all (their phone numbers are provided at the bottom of my column), and tell them to be nice to me." Rush Limbaugh: "We people with values won this election, and yet I am still being investigated by the Palm Beach County authorities for doctor shopping? As your fuehrer, I order you to call Jeb Bush and make him force them to leave me alone. Otherwise, it's just like that feminazi Hitlery is your new President -- and you know how much you hate the idea of a woman bossing you around." And so on. Now, here's a post by one John J. Miller (or, as I suggest he call himself, "J.J. 'Dynomite' Miller").
Apparently J.J. is reacting to a post of Kathryn Jean's in which she quotes a Newsweek article which has Kerry saying the f-word as an expletive when his hairbrush can't be found before a photo shoot. Now, can anybody see why that might be more newsworthy than the V.P. telling a senator to "go f--- " himself after the senator made a friendly overature following a senate meeting? If so, maybe you can explain it to J.J. And that's it for today's visit to The Corner. I told you it was a silly place. 2:23:35 AM |
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