Flat Earth Family CircusI fell behind on my Family Circus prognosticating too -- sorry. Today's Cartoon (See it here): Anyway, today's cartoon shows Jeffy standing in the middle of a flat, grassy expanse; the only feature breaking up the monotony is a house in the distance. (Presumably, on the way home from the Grand Canyon his parents abandoned him in Iowa). Jeffy says, "Is the world round all over? 'Cause it sure looks flat in places." Analysis: Jeffy, in his imperial purple, is Dubya (as usual). The white house, in sight but out of reach, is the White House. The two buzzards circling over it are Rove and Hughes. "Is the world round all over?' 'Cause it sure looks flat in places." Dubya believes that the world should be judged from how things look to him -- if the world seems flat from his perspective, then it's flat. If it seems to him like Iran is behind 9/11, then it is -- and we flatten it. This shows why it's dangerous to have a four-year-old as your President. Prediction: While there may or may not be another attack on American soil during Bush's watch, history will concede that he did a good job clearing brush on his ranch. Well, that's what it looked like to me. The floor is open to opposing views. 7:29:30 AM ![]() |
I Know What You Did Last TownHallHey, sorry about the lack of posting. Yes, I suffered a relapse of the illness I had last week (thanks for all of the kind words -- they really meant a lot). Anyway, to make it up to you (or to make you feel as crummy as I do), here's an extra special edition of Townhall Review. Dennis got a lot of irate emails about last week's column, in which he picked on a 12-year-old girl. He uses this week's column to explain that he wasn't picking on the girl, he was picking on the Democrats. But even if he were picking on the girl, "Traditional wisdom" holds that children shouldn't criticize their elders, but "it is adults' role to criticize the young so as to make them responsible adults" -- so he would have been doing her a FAVOR by publicly maligning her. And besides, people were just mad at Dennis because "in the feminist world in which liberals live," it's considered uncool to beat up girls. See, in the world where Dennis lives, women and children only speak when they're spoken to, and they only say nice things about their superiors. And anyway, Dennis never said that the girl didn't have the constitutional RIGHT to speak, he only said that she didn't have the STATURE to speak, since she wasn't a middle-aged man, or a vice president.
See, Dennis has earned the right to criticize people for using foul language (like he did in the seminal piece On public cursing and other public sins) by being a prick for many years. However, HE hasn't said anything about Cheney's "go f--- yourself" remark, so it really chafes his derriere that a Democratic girl presumed to do so. Maggie Gallagher It seems that because people encouraged her by buying her recent book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands (mostly as a gag gift for bridal showers), Dr. Laura has written ANOTHER one. It's called Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life. It appears to be about how women can transform their men, their marriages, and their lives by baking cookies in the nude.
Well, if making men feel bad about the size of their penises is the only power women have, I guess that Dr. Laura (and Maggie) are demanding that the bitches use it for good, not for evil. Rich says that John Kerry implied that Bush is responsible for the asthma suffered by the children of Harlem; Rich claims that Kerry also implied that he would do something about ending asthma. However, Kerry is only concerned about environmental issues because he hates Bush.
What I think Rich is implying here is that the black children of New York only contracted asthma to show their hatred for George Bush. Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca is still shocked, SHOCKED to learn that TV tries to sell stuff to its viewers, including children. Somehow Janet Jackson's breast is behind this scheme.
Laughing at Rebecca, no doubt, as they deposited the extra money their sponsors paid them to corrupt America's youth. Nonpartisan Kathleen calls on both Republicans and Democrats to be more civil as they campaign -- because otherwise, a few people will vote for Ralph Nader.
Yes, Kerry's mention of his Vietnam service is just meant as a cheap shot at Bush --and since Kerry started the mudthrowing back in the '60s when he enlisted (just to show up George. of course), it's up to Kerry to stop the nastiness first by never again mentioning his awards for heroism. Because they make Bush look bad, and that's extraordinarily smutty. Ben Shapiro Young Ben uses his expensive college education to prove that Michael Moore is just like Lenin, in that they both started alternate newspapers, both were political activists, both are against the Iraq war, and both attempted to overthrow the czar.
Ben concedes that Moore isn't as dangerous as Lenin because we don't actually have a czar to overthrow. However, since Lenin is dead, Churchill would probably say that Moore is today's "embodiment of evil." You know, if Churchill were still alive.
I sure hope that Ben isn't planning to try to assassinate Lenin ... I mean Moore. You know, to save the American way of life, and to impress Ann Coulter. Gary, author of Unlimited Access ("Former G-man's sleazy White House memoir raises questions -- again -- about the book industry's sloppy standards") explains that the "Swift Boat Vets" are just like him -- brave truth tellers who will be labeled as politically motivated dupes and liars, but who will later be declared martrys by the Church of Scaife.
Gary has some degree of reputation and credibility now??? Damn, I guess society IS going to hell in a handbasket, like the Townhallers have been telling us. The (liberal, elite, "mainstream") media is failing to investigate John Kerry's Vietnam service, as told by the Swift Boat Vets; the press also seems to blindly accept that the St. Christopher medallion story. Brent finds this really scary.
And wouldn't it be calamitous if Kerry did become President, and we later found that not only did he get a Purple Heart for a mere scratch, but that he didn't even own a St. Christopher medallion? Internment camps: not just for Asians anymore!
Well, that goes to show you how badly educated even students at prestigious universities can be. You know, that they'd want to listen to Michelle Malkin.
So, see! The fact that a German-American whose name appeared on a Nazi Party list was interned proves that racism had nothing to do with the interning of Japanese-Americans for being Japanese. Linda analyzes that Gallup poll which showed that people who go to church more than once a week are more likely to vote for Bush than Kerry.
And why do these very religious white men not support Kerry, who is a devout Catholic? Because he doesn't vote against abortion, and supports civil unions for homosexuals. Not that these issues are key with the very religious voters, of course-- it's just that they can't abide people who look like political opportunists.
And why does this only bother the white, male portion of the very religious voter group? Who knows -- but since they are the only ones who matter, let's not worry about anybody but them, and what makes them comfortable. Tony, another nonpartisan pundit, also addresses the claims of the Swift Boat Vets.
Some background from the Boston Globe:
Now, back to Tony:
An example of that distinguished writing, as discovered by Media Matters:
(As MediaMatters notes, "Corsi is also a frequent participant in FreeRepublic.com's online forums, posting under the pseudonym 'jrlc' since 2001. (Click here to read a full set of Corsi's posts; click here to read the post in which "jrlc" admits to being Jerome Corsi.") So, Tony is right about Corsi not being a poltical hack, since the Freepers can only dream of hackdom.
Tony, honey, did you ever think that maybe they already have read the book, made a decision about its credibility, and forgot about it? Dr. Mike, showing the good sense and maturity one would expect from a conservative college professor, urges students to make offensive public statements about gays and other minorities, so that the students will get accused of violating campus speech codes and Mike's volunteer lawyers (once he has some) can sue the university.
And if the administration just says that the speech is hateful but doesn't ban it, what will Mike sue them for -- hurting the conservative student's feelings? And what if the administration doesn't do anything about the student's stupid comments, but everyone on campus thinks that the student is a big jerk, and he finds that nobody wants to associate with him? Well, he can hang out with Dr. Mike, and they can be pariahs together. Won't that be fun! Anyway, that's Townhall for today. Tune in tomorrow, when I PROMISE to cover Doug Giles and Jen Shroder as part of our Carnival of the Wingnuts. Really. 6:51:13 AM |
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