Carnival of the WingnutsBecause it's so damned easy. 1. Let's start today with a fun, new discovery: Karen Pittman. She's basically the female Doug Giles, although not actually a pastor. ![]()
So, enjoy away today's rant, entitled "Liar, liar, pants on fire: Why Scott Peterson deserves to Frey." Yes, Karen is taking the position that Scott isn't a nice person, and deserve the electric chair -- for lying.
Anyway, there's a lot more in this vein, each paragraph packed with gems like "Our pathetic Scott had gotten himself into a pregnant pickle that was now growing every bit as large as Laci's stretched, marked belly." And who can resist this description of Amber: "Doubtless a tangy appetizer, this fresh tart from Fresno, this juicy hors d'oeuvre from down south, was just the side dish to arouse Scott's craving for the main course. Thanks to her, Peterson's tongue, amply titillated, was now training toward the larger smorgasbord to come"? There is nothing I can add. 2. Christopher Adamo, "a freelance writer from southeastern Wyoming," brings us some more commentary on the McGreevey affair. He takes the standard wingnut line that it's not about the homosexuality, it's about how McGreevey played into al Qaeda's hands by using the position of New Jersey's homeland security adviser for his "taxpayer-funded homosexual concubine."
Well, say what you will about McGreevey's "lasivious desires," he really didn't compromise New Jersey's security, it seems:
But Christopher explains how, if only al Qaeda had known that McGreevey was getting some extramarital nookie, the state would have been toast:
But if al Qaeda ever finds out that YOUR governor is "engaged in reprehensible and immoral behavior while holding high office," you're doomed, DOOMED!
Hey, if hostile foreign entities can tell when our political leaders are involved in "illicit sexual exploits," then they should pick up some extra cash as reporters for the National Enquirer. 3. Ketan Desai is also new to the Carnival. He is "a physician in Pennsylvania, author "Germs of War" (a book on biological warfare), and writer on politics, religion, and healthcare topics." He wishes to talk to us today about cloning.
Um, okay. So let's move on to human cloning.
Allow me to answer for everyone: no, we don't want any more Fox News personalities running around.
Yes, identitical twins are clearly some kind of hideous plan by Satan to create souless beings which make us question God and everything we hold dear.
Yeah, they're the stupidest ones amongst us, so it only figures.
Who seeks immortaility through cloning? Well, bad guys in science fiction novels primarily. So, do we listen to them, and allow people to buy stairways to heaven and new clone bodies; or do we heed the creationists, and prevent all those souless people from monopolizing the CEO positions with our Fortune 500 companies? We want to thank Ketan for giving us something to think about. [I have a question for Dr. BDH: how many of our nation's physicians are idiots, in your opinion?] 4. Dennis Campbell, a "freelance writer and reformed liberal ex-journalist living in New Mexico," offers a warning in the title of his latest column: "Criticize 'gays' and be ready to pay the price." That price seems to be that they write you emails, criticizing you right back. The horror, the horror! He also explains how the "gays" get away with such rehensible behavior.
Man, I wish I were a homosexual, so I could live a life of luxury and ease, being pampered and adored by everyone. But I disagree with Dennis about it being acceptable in our culture to be intolerant of Ann Coulter -- actually, it's REQUIRED. You know, unless you're evil or braindead or something.
Yes, people like New Gingrich never thought that adultery was okay until the homosexual agenda came along.
Gad, has it no shame, sir! If the agenda would harm an organization like the Boy Scouts, there's no telling what it would do! Next we'll hear of it bilking old ladies of their pension checks and foreclosing on orphanages. So, take a lesson from Dennis and don't cross the "gays"; or if you do, prepare to pay the price. And that's today's Carnival. It has been brought to you by ChronWatch, and by Renew America, which reminds you that Alan Keyes is running for the Senate in Illinois, and although Keyes isn't actually FROM the state, Illinois is the "Land of Lincoln," and Lincoln was against slavery. However, Barack Obama is for the slavery of abortion -- so who's really the carpet bagger? 5:56:11 AM ![]() |
Ann Coulter, Queen of the Damned WingnutsAnn's thesis this week is, "The mainstream media and John Kerry, sitting in a tree ..." She begins by mocking a Wash Post article in which a friend notes Kerry's "complexity."
Ann, of course, went to University of Michigan Law School, not being admitted to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, New York University, or any number of schools to which she may or may not have applied. (Being rejected by a university is, to Ann, the most shameful thing that can happen to a person -- remember this slam from the past: "I am prepared – just this once – to name a traitor: Pinch Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times. To be sure, if any liberal could legitimately use the stupid defense, it is the one Sulzberger who couldn't get in to Columbia University"? So, I guess those rejection letters from Harvard and Columbia are still wounds to Ann's soul, and so she derides people like Kerry and Sulzberger for being as dumb as she is.) Now, on to her big expose:
"Evidently" that's what Harkin meant because that's what Ann wants it to mean. See, if Harkin meant that Cheney was a "coward" for not completing ANY military service "during the Vietnam war," then she can't blast Harkin for a 1984 comment.
But was he "bragging about his Vietnam service" this time? This is what he said:
Back to Ann's fact-checking:
Well, InstaGlenn, the Two of Wingnuts, is also all over the Harkin remarks and gives us this link to a 1991 Wall Street Journal "expose" on Harkin, which includes these clarifications from Harkin bout his military service:
So, Harkin was never stationed in Vietnam, but he did fly planes into Vietnam during wartime, and he did fly photo-reconnaissance support missions, but not in Vietnam. So, yes, he embellished his record. When he talked to the Post, back in 1984. But he did serve his country during wartime, as did John Kerry. And Dick Cheney didn't, as he had other priorities. Which would explain the vehemance on the part of the wingnuts to smear Harkin . . . Here's some more from Glenn:
Would it be more accurate? In A Charge to Keep, Bush (or rather, Karen Hughes, writing Bush's life for him) claims that after learning to fly the F-102 fighter jet in 1970, he was turned down for Vietnam duty because "had not logged enough flight hours" to qualify for a combat assignment. However, there isn't any evidence that he ever sought duty in Vietnam. And then, before going on to recall the "challenging moments" that involved close formation drills at night during poor weather, he adds: "I continued flying with my unit for the next several years." Of course, that isn't true either. In May 1972, only 22 months after he completed pilot training, he stopped flying. In August 1972, he failed to show up for his annual physical examination and was automatically grounded. So, I guess what Glenn meant to say was that it would be more accurate to say that Harkin was "A senator, who, like like President Bush, flew fighter jets during the Vietnam era, but served five years of active duty overseas and then three years in the ready reserves, not just five or so years of part-time reserve duty. But, like Bush, Harkin embellished his exploits, but unlike Bush, there's no contraversy about what he was doing for his last year of service." Anyway, Ann concludes with a story about Lyndon Johnson's phony medal, proving that, um, Dick Cheney is not a coward, and that John Kerry's medals probably came from a box of Cracker Jacks. 4:33:06 AM |
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