Monday's Religious News1. God Counters With Book Called "So Help Me Roy!" From the Southern Baptist Press News:
Not to mention the cost to Alabama's taxpayers: about $500,000.
Yeah, I love that part in the Constitution where it says that you have the right to bring your own personal boulder into public buildings in the dead of night, and leave it there until you've got tons of publicity, leading to a book deal.
Broadman & Holman Publishers: for when your manuscript isn't good enough for Regnery. 2. Family News in Focus warns "Gay 'Marriage' Only the Beginning"
God's truth being that gay men should be stoned to death -- just like adulterers and disobedient children. Anyway, author Robert E. Reccord claims that homosexuals were never slaves, so they can't claim they want equal rights. No, they must want special rights -- and that's pretty greedy of them, since they already have above-average incomes, and lives that include lots of travel and Judy Garland records. Compare their cushy situation with the plight of the poor, persecuted Christians, and you'll see who really deserves those special rights!
Um, let's review a few items from the Moore Chronology:
So, the Federal Courts "immediately" stepped in, four months after Moore installed the monument, and Moore was "immediately" removed from office, two years later. Contrast that to the month it took the California Supreme Court to stop San Francisco from granting same-sex marriage licenses, and the six months it took for the state to declare the liscenses invalid (Oregon granted licenses for about 6 weeks, while New Mexico's and New York's runs were much shorter). Yup, those gays DID get special treatment!
Canada led us astray! I don't think we should hang out with it anymore, because it's a bad influence on us!
And that's one case, and it happened before the "hate speech" bill was even voted on -- proving that if same-sex marriage is made legal, then you will be unable to preach about gays roasting in hell, even in the privacy of your own church. Also, your minister will have to preside over "gay" "marriages," your children will be required to experiment with homosexuality, and you will no longer be permitted to laugh at effiminate characters in old movies. Under penalty of law.
Which isn't to be confused with NAMBLA. 3. Checkin' Out This Guy Jesus -- and His Accessories David E. alerted us to this NY Times article which deals with the release of The Passion of the Christ on DVD.
I think I'd choose the two-line message: Hi to S.Z. from your pal Jesus. If you like my movie, check out my book: the novelization of the "Passion" screenplay.
Buy "The Passion" and get a a discount on (plus complete forgiveness for) your next R-rated movie purchase.
The spamming of the Christ.
Who's the Semitic guy who gets the worst beating of all time? Jesus! They say this guy Jesus is one bad .... Shut your mouth! Just checkin' out Jesus, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior, a figure revered and worshipped by many Christians, some who find this marketing blitz pretty tacky. Then I can dig it! But only in the privacy of my own home, on my new Fox DVD. 5:37:12 AM |
Convention DishLloyd Grove of the NY Daily News has all the pre-convention gossip in a column entitled "GOP has dol-fun with Dems." And yes, Peggy Noonan's name comes up! Briefly, here's the juicy stuff:
Sorry, this isn't the item that mentions Peggy. Anyway, it seems that the RNC bought ten of the costumes, at $500 each, and got staffers and volunteers to wear them, despite the fact that the temperature could reach 110 degrees inside, in order to make fun of John Kerry for being a "flip-flopper." Oh, my aching sides! And I don't know if comparing Kerry to Flipper is much of an insult, since, as everyone knows, "They call him Flipper, Flipper, Flipper, faster than light'ning. No one you see, is smarter than he."
Um, Donnie, when you're shooting the breeze with George and he says you have a pretty face, you may want to pray for strength in your ongoing struggle.
Gee, what kind of context could make that remark acceptable? Here's the portion of the 700 Club article where the remark appears:
Yes, that made all the difference! No wonder Laura Bush's office thought he'd be the perfect entertainment for the convention.
You know, I don't know where Dennis Hastert gets his money. I don't know if it comes from the stable of 'hos that he might have working out of his office, or from possibly blackmailing Newt Gringich about Newt's score of affairs with underage boys. I mean, back in 1992, Dennis was revealed to have had 44 overdrawn checks written on the House bank -- and then he suddenly paid them off. Makes you think, doesn't it? Plus, his ancestors are from Luxembourg, and you know what the Belgians are like: just as bad as the French, only stupider! Or say some say. So, maybe Dennis gets his money from selling our secrets to Iran. He has a lot of ancillary interests out there, and they might include gun running, internet porn, and Amway. I'm just saying that we don't know.
Talk about Sartre's definition of hell!
Oooh la la! So it's Rush and Daryn Kagan, sitting in a tree . . . In case it doesn't work out with Daryn, I want to let Rush know about this Family News in Focus headline: True Love Waits at the Acropolis Okay, maybe Rush doesn't read FNIF -- so here are the highlights:
So, Rush, true love awaits you in Athens -- but it's praying that you'll meet someone who will keep you abstinent. I know the rest of us are probably praying the same thing. 5:21:17 AM |
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