Election Day Carnival of the WinghutsToday's wingnut theme is: Vote for Bush or Osama wins, you will be killed, and your children will be forced to be hippies. 1. Let's hear first from Judson Cox (whose Renew America bio still says that he's a "college student," even though he apparently hasn't re-enrolled in an institute of higher learning after dropping out of that traitorous, terroristic one that was going to show Fahrenheit 9/11). His column is about how bin Laden made that video tape because he wants us to vote for Kerry -- so we have to spite Osama by voting for Bush.
I admit I included this bit from Judson because I feel he's on to something about how we women must stand up to bin Laden and not let him mutilate our gentiles. 2. Amber Pawlik is back, and World O'Crap has her! (Sorry, Sadly, No! and The Dark Window). Her column is also how we have to vote for Bush to get back at Osama -- and at the Democrats, who are just as bad. I wish I could write about this upcoming election, “Regardless who wins or loses, keep in mind our real enemy is Islamic terrorists.” The fact is this is not true. Our enemy now is Islamic terrorists and those in America who want to see us destroyed. The enemy is now (a) Islamic terrorists, and (b) everybody in the world who won't vote for George Bush. See how much clearer and neater things are under Bush than they were under Clinton?
As opposed to George Bush, who has a track record of not meeting with American enemies because diplomacy is for sissies who can talk and speak at the same time.
Doesn't Amber's argument make you want to change your vote?
Well, since Amber is a girlfriend, I guess we have no choice but to do as she says. 3. Now, here's Karen Pittman explaining that George Bush has a character, so we must vote for him.
Okay, we recall the horror of 9/11, we reflect how George has worked really hard (presumably after 9/11, because he was on vacation for most of the time before it), and then we are obligated to vote for him. Because it's the EFFORT that counts, not the results. And then we are supposed to reflect how John Kerry says that he can do a better job than George Bush, and we are supposed to not vote for him, because apparently he has big black mustache and steals corn chips.
George Bush, of course, is the Trix bunny of political discourse. 4. Robin Mullins Boyd, a new GOPUSA pundit, is an RN from Georgia. Her column is about how you must vote for George Bush or your children and grandchildren will live in a totalitarian, atheistic, gay, pornographic state where they won't get to experience the wonders of gunning down nature.
No! Because John Kerry will not only surrender to Osama, he will also ban God, reading and writing, the English language, and guns.
I would have thought that we might have to, you know, actually work to ensure some of these things, but apparently all we have to do is vote for Bush, and then we will be living in the golden age of safety, conformity, and family values. 5. Barbara Stock also weighs in on the Osama message. ![]()
The Church Lady lives! Anyway, here's a bit more of her column:
If it wasn't the Church Lady saying it, I would call this blasphemy against our Lord and Savior George Bush. And Barbara, what the President could have personally done is something besides sit there like a stunned bunny and then fly around in Air Force One for the rest of the day. You know, be a leader or something? 6. Monte Kuligowski is new to our pages, so let's read part of his bio:
Now that you know that, you won't be surprised to learn that Monte's column is entitled "John Kerry: President Of The Counter Culture Not The United States." It's about how the Vietnam war was the worst war ever, because while we've recovered from the Civil War (in that even most Southerners now admit that slavery isn't right), some people still refuse to admit that they were wrong to protest the war.
Damned hippie punks! Cut your hair, hippies, and admit that Joe SixPack America is your superior!
Monte apparently believes that the Vietnam War was between the establishment and the counterculture. And when the establishment won in Saigon, the counterculture refused to apologize and conform like it was supposed to.
John Kerry was the leader of the whole counterculture? You'd think that he would have gotten more publicity.
And if Bush is reelected, HE gets to be president of the total culture? Wow, and I thought he just got to be our political and spiritual leader. 7. Michael Mina is "the Interim President of the Ohio Republican Assembly." He claims that liberals think they are gods, which is probably a good thing, because if they believed in the Greek gods, then John Edwards would be responsible for the death of Christopher Reeves.
George Bush said to the terrorists, "Bring it on," and we now have over 1000 Americans dead in Iraq. But when you are doing God's will, hubris isn't a danger, it's steadfastness and resolve. 8. Darren Bernard is apparently a regular columnist for The Minnesota Daily, which is a college paper. But that's no excuse, really.
I swear, the first two times I read that, I thought it said "prick."
If your breath gets taken away by a 49% increase in federal funding for something that is largely funded at the state and local level, then you're pretty young. And how many jobs has Bush's astute policy lost, and how well is that reformed Medicare serving the nation's elderly? Sorry, like former President Ronald Reagan, Darren is unable to hear your questions.
Um, yeah, with the integrity of William Bennett.
Well, the dead ones aren't breathing anything, but some of the the living ones are beginning to breathe the air of democracy. It smells like bombs, blood, and chaos. Those wars are brilliant, all right! Well, that's our election day wingnut roundup. Now get out there are vote for the non-wingnut candidates of your choice. 5:09:29 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?You people are unbelievably bright. Yes, yesterday's mystery guest, the guy who promised that he would stop punditing and start garroting palace guards in Africa if Kerry won, was Mark Steyn. Let's all vote for Kerry today and wish Steyn well in his new line of work. Now, who said the following:
(No, it wasn't Osama.) Okay, here's one more quote, from a different well-known person:
And is this person against the actual rape of Californians? Hopefully so. But presumably killing embryos is worse. Here's part of the Christianity Today write-up of this person's appearance on Good Morning America:
The human embryos used in stem-cell research are about 7 days old (not developed enough to attach to the uterine wall). They are smaller than a pinpoint. Looking at one under a microscope, it is difficult to distinguish a human embryo from a fish embryo. But one of them is worth just as much as a Christopher Reeve or a Michael J. Fox. Obviously -- per, Christianity Today. Anyway, which two people are quoted above? 4:09:13 AM |
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