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Thursday, January 13, 2011

November 1, 2004 by s.z.

Happy Falafel, Chris V.

Yes, the festivities in honor of Chris's birthday continue with this haunting ballad composed by Bill S.
First, some background:
As noted in a comments section recently, Chris Vosburg's birthday is November 1. As a gift to him I offered to compose a serenade to the wingnut of his choice. He requested the always charming Bill O'Reilly.
At first I was going to use the Marvellette's marvelous "Don't Mess With Bill", but really, that should be MY theme song-I want it played at my wedding (if I'm ever allowed to have one.) I also considered Black-Eyed Peas' "Shut Up!"(for obvious reasons) but writing a rap is harder than it looks, and besides, O'Reilley's funky in an entirely different way. So I settled upon the following (set to the tune Mitch Ryder's "Jenny Take A Ride!"):
Now, sing along with the Bills!
Bill, Bill O'Reilly
Blowhard extraordinaire!
Bill, Bill O'Reilly
You're unbalanced, and hardly fair-
When you're on the TV,
Sweet Lordy-Gordy how you scare!
Well, I watch you
Screaming "Shut Up!"
You berate folks, make them small
Foaming at the mouth, now,
interrupting, but that's not all-
Now when I see you
All that I hear is your mating call:
"Andrea, baby, come share a falafel with me!
Andrea baby come share a falafel with me-
Why you bein' awful, tryin' to get away from me?
Shake shake shake
Usin' my vibrator alone!
Shake  shake shake
Usin' my vibrator alone!
What's a matter baby? Why you hanging up the phone?"
Bill, Bill O'Reilly
You were creepy long before
And though this shit's over
You creep us all out even more
Please go away now
You egomaniac boor!
I think this is the best thing that Bill S. has ever written.  If you agree, flick your Bic -- and burn a copy of one of Bill O'Reilly's book.

6:24:01 AM    

Bennie Loves Hoochie

& Happy Birthday, Chris V.!

To demonstrate his undying devotion, young Ben Shapiro has written a glowing Townhall review of Ann Coulter's latest book.  Clearly, the ardor Ben felt when he invited Ann to visit his orthodox synagogue (which is what the kids are calling it these days) is still present, because who but a man with the hots for Ann would write things like:
Coulter is so side-splitting, it’s easy to forget she’s a razor-sharp legal mind as well. [...] As a Harvard Law student, I can say that law and its “interpreters” are too funny not to be sniggered at, though.
Well, to be fair, only a man with the hots for Ann who was also a Harvard Law student would write stuff like that.
This is barely the tip of the iceberg. Coulter tells the full story about the Max Cleland controversy.
Yeah, that was pretty side splitting when Ann claimed that Cleland blew off his own limbs by dropping his grenade while preparing to get drunk with his buddies.

But clearly, this was Ben's favorite part of the book:
Coulter’s take on racial profiling composes a chapter all its own. Apparently, Ann has been closely wanded, her luggage rifled through, and some of it stolen.
Yeah, just thinking about Ann getting wanded must make Ben want to get a job in airport security.  That way, not only could he closely examine her for explosives, but he could also rifle through her dainty unmentionables.
Honestly, after being pulled out of line five out of the last seven times I’ve flown due to my suspicious-looking yarmulke while watching young Arab/Muslim males skipping through security unexamined, I can’t imagine what in the world Ann is complaining about.
Ben, honey, in Ann's world, you would have been pulled out of line and strip-searched SEVEN of the last seven times you flew.  You're a young, Semetic male, and therefore racial profiling is all about you.  See, Ann thinks that only blondes and people with blue eyes have the right to complain about having to comply with security procedures.  Sorry, Ben, but your attempt to suck up to Ann by claiming that you've shared the same airport experiences falls flatter than this ringing endorsement of her book:
Just remember not to read this while eating, because you might spit out your food. 
Claiming that Ann's work makes one vomit isn't what I'd call a big selling point.

Anyway, in honor of Chris V's birthday, I thought we should do something a little special.  So, Chris, this hardboiled detective story (featuring Ben, Ann, bits of Ben's column, snippets of Amazon reviews, and a couple of stolen movie lines) is dedicated to you.
It was a dark and stormy night.  It was one of those bleak, sodden nights that make unrequited lovers jump off bridges, Sinclair investers also jump off bridges, and cause Bill O'Reilly to settle unfounded extortion claims for several million dollars.  On a night like that, anything can happen.  The Bush administration could even tell the truth.

Even so, I wasn't prepared for HER to walk through that door with the gold stenciling that announced that this was the office of Benjamin Shapiro, America's Youngest Syndicated Pundit and a Harvard Law Student.
The dame was trouble.  You could tell that from her brutally sarcastic, bone-crunchingly vitriol, and her hilarious deconstruction of multiculturalism.  Plus, she had legs that didn't know where to stop, and a black vinyl miniskirt that didn't know where to start.  She was the kind of trouble that could make a man do things that he'd be ashamed of later -- things like read her books.

She was as slender as a reed -- a Reed Richards that had been stretched out into a tall, thin rubber rope.  But you could see the bones through her skin (you could even count them if you wanted to), proving that she wasn't made of rubber.  She was just painfully thin, you know?

Her skin was white as Newt Gingrich's belly, while her eyeliner was as black as the heart of, well, Newt Gingrich.  She had blonde hair that fell in ripples over the mysterious bulge in her neck, and large, competent hands that could strangle a man while he slept -- and probably had.

I opened my desk drawer and took out a can of Seven-Up.  I knew I'd need it.  I offered her a swig, but she just shook her head, smiled sadly, and smacked me with the stapler.

"My name is Ann Coulter, and I need help," she said throatily.  "Your help. You see, I've written a book, and there are people who want to kill it.  They are evil people --liberals -- and therefore traitors and terrorists.  I need a strong, brave, manly man to go to their hangout, the dive known as, and see what he can do to protect me."

At this point, she crossed those long, long legs of hers, giving me a glimpse of her smooth white thighs and her delicate leopard-print boxers. 

She flicked a lock of hair with one of her long, strong hands, and the breeze blew the column I'd been writing off my desk and into the trash can.  I moved to retrieve it, but the dame whispered, "Leave it.  I need you more than WorldNetDaily does.  And will I pay you in ways that they never dreamed of: in remaindered copies of Slander, and a couple of defective Ann Coulter talking dolls.  You know, BAD ones."

Then she stuck her tongue down my throat.  She tasted of scotch, bulimia, and of the dark mysteries one finds written in ashtrays that are never emptied.  I could refuse her nothing.

So, I checked out this joint they called  After poking about a bit, I could see why the dame had come to me for help.  Liberal reviewers had swarmed to her book like lice from the head of Al Franken.  I deduced that virtually none of them had read her book, but that's probably because few of them can actually read.  After all, they are liberals, and therefore not just traitors and murderers, but also poopie heads. 
But those who can read should email me to receive an explanation of the difference between the words “their” and “they’re.”  You know, like this guy:
  • This is a great timely book with the election comeing up so you know you'll be talking to liberals, their comeing out of the wood works now!
A perfect example of a liberal illiterate!

And then there are people who said things like this:
  • Of all the conservative oriented writers Ann Coulter is the desert portion of the diet of the right. Her asorbic wit is unsurpassed.
  • There are no sacred cows in Miss (how has no man not snared this cutie for himself?) Coulter.
And then I saw this one:
  • Here is a beautiful, intelligent American woman speaking up with honesty about her views and opinions getting nothing but nasty reviews from her male readers. How typically chauvenistic. Men are so frightened by a beautiful and intelligent woman who is also a published author.
I realized that I had to do something to protect this beautiful American women who was also a published author from the chauvinistic men who were trying to silence her.  So, I wrote a Townhall review of her book, concluding with the admonition:
So make sure to buy two copies, one for you, and one for a lefty friend. Will liberals hate this book? You betcha. But that’s the point. You aren’t winning the argument unless you can see the steam spurting from their ears.
I was sure that this would prove to the dame that I was her knight in shining armor, her protector -- and a nationally synicated columnist who attended Harvard Law but who wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself (in PRINT, even) for her. 

I figured that she would be so grateful that I would be rewarded with more than some of her naughty talking action figures (as much fun as they would be). 

I had it all planned: she would melt into my arms (even though she's about 3 feet taller than I am), and her soft, warm, Marlborough-scented breath would be in my ear as she whispered, "I want to get away from the harsh, unfeminine world of right-wing punditry and live in a rose-covered cottage with you, where I will have your babies, make your lunches, and even have sex with you occasionally."

But I should have known that she would stab me in the back (and the crotch).  She was a dame.  They are all evil and dangerous and slutty and stuff.  This one was merely another duplicitous, black-hearted double-crosser who made promises she never meant to keep, and who wouldn't even deliver the talking dolls she mentioned.  I never saw her again.

I moped around the office for days.  Not even gratuitous mentions that I was a Harvard Law student could chase away the blues.

My partner, Professor Dr. Mike Adams, Ph.D., tried to cheer me up.

"Bennie boy, you can do better," he said.  "She was a charming middle-aged lady with a face like a bucket of mud."

"No," I remonstrated, still wearing the stars she had thrown in my eyes -- pointy Ninja stars, which had cut into my brain. "No, Dr. Mike, she was a dish!"

"What kind of a dish was she? The sixty-cent special: cheap, flashy, strictly poison under the gravy kind," he quipped.

"Dr. Mike, I just don't understand.  Why did she ask me to write a nice review of her book for Townhall, and then pretend that she didn't know me after it came out to universal guffaws?  Why was she all come-hithery and seductive when she wanted something from me, but then obtained a restraining order against me after I called her 382 times to see if she wanted me to write anything else for her?  And why does she have an Adam's apple?"

"Forget it, Ben, it's Chinatown, he said simply. "And you're an idiot."

So, I walked down the mean streets of Boston and into the darkness, a softhearted Harvard Law student who was just too good for this wicked world -- and a guy who would be a virgin for at least a few more years.  Life just isn't fair!

5:34:21 AM    

Who Said It? 

You people are amazingly well-read and astute!  Yes, our first mystery guest from yesterday was Doug Giles, whose column "American Evangelicalism: A Non-Prophet Organization" is about how we need fewer wimpy religious leaders who are concerned about the poor and the sick, and more leaders who are, well, like Doug.  You know, tough-talking Christians who don't buy into that all that garbage that Christ said.

And yes, the second mystery guest was that wild and crazy guy, Karl Rove, whose tertiary syphilis has apparently damaged his brain.

Now, for today's "Who Said It?"
Were America to elect John Kerry president, it would be seen around the world as a repudiation not just of Bush and of Iraq but of the broader war. It would be a declaration by the people of American unexceptionalism — that they are a slightly butcher Belgium; they would be signing on to the wisdom of conventional transnationalism. Having failed to read correctly the mood of my own backyard, I could hardly continue to pass myself off as a plausible interpreter of the great geopolitical forces at play. Obviously that doesn’t bother a lot of chaps in this line of work — Sir Simon Jenkins, Robert ‘Mister Robert’ Fisk, etc., — and no doubt I could breeze through the next four years doing ketchup riffs on Teresa Heinz Kerry, but I feel a period of sober reflection far from the scene would be appropriate. My faith in the persuasive powers of journalism would be shattered; maybe it would be time to try something else — organising coups in Africa, like the alleged Sir Mark Thatcher is alleged to have allegedly done; maybe abseiling down the walls of the Presidential palace and garroting the guards personally.
Another reason to vote for Kerry: to get this jerk out of "journalism" and into something he's more suited for, like work as an inept mercenary in Africa.

1:56:34 AM

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