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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

October 14, 2004 by s.z.

The O'Reilly Factor for Kids: Part Two  by Bill O'Reilly
1. Book Description
Bill O'Reilly brings you, America's youth, a code of ethics by which to live. In this latest book, Bill takes to task bullies, cheaters, and little teases with big boobs who let you give them promotions, but tape record you when you try to teach them how to please men, and then sue you for sexual harassment.
He lays bare the unvarnished truths about sex, money, drugs, alcohol, and friends-- for instance, he reveals that he lost his viginity at age 20. What he has to say about these issues may very well surprise you.  Especially what he has to say about vibrators.
Whether you take the advice he doles out, or just take a cue from the personal stories he shares, you're bound to make smarter choices in your life, and that's all Bill asks for.  Well, that and a blowjob.
Here's an excerpt from this book -- it's from the chapter on how to handle betrayal.

Dealing With Those Who Wrong You

Almost everybody watched the TV show "Three's Company." Unfortunately, some kids think that's what threesomes are like.  Of course, we can learn a lot of things from sexy shows on television, but sitcoms are very different from real life.

In real life, you hit on a woman and her college friend, and allude to a menage a trois, and what do you get for your trouble?  A law suit!  See, sometimes you will try to help somebody, and they will stab in you in the back.  But television also features shows like "The Sopranos," where those who betray others get taught a lesson.  A permanent lesson.

So, kids, let me tell you a story from my life, a story about ingratitude.  It involves a scheming woman whom Dick Cheney is planning to whack at the bequest of Roger Ailes, all because she tried to screw me and Fox News (but not literally, alas).  This story also refers again to that defamer Al Franken, whom we hate with every fiber of our being, don't we, kids?  Remember, children, that Al Franken is the most evil person who ever lived.  Well, except for this dame.  What she and her lawyer are trying to do is the single most evil thing I have ever experienced, and I've seen a lot. But these people picked the wrong guy.  And that's why they're dead meat.

My Story

First of all, you need to remember that all the stories I tell are based on my own experiences -- like when I received a massage in a cabin in Bali and the little short brown woman asked to see my penis.  She was amazed, I can tell you!  This story is just as true. 

Anyway, a couple of years ago there was this young producer who worked on my show.  She wasn't very smart (we hired her for her boobs), and really wasn't qualified for the job, so I tried to help her as much as I could.  I'm a nice guy like that -- it comes from being born in Levittown and never forgetting that I am one of the folks.  In fact, I'm the King of the Folks.  The folks all say so.

Anyway, one day the bimbo told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend and couldn't afford to work for Fox on the salary we were paying her.  I knew what she really meant by this: that now that she didn't have a man to take care of her, she was willing to do whatever it took to make a few bucks.  Of course, I'm not into paying for sex, but the kid looked like she could use a few tips from a man of the world, so I took her out to dinner.  I told her that I'd try to get her a raise, because I don't like seeing damsels in distress. 
I also advised her that she should just date young guys for a while, have some fun.  But kids, as you know, I don't believe in promiscuity.  It's wrong.  So, I told her, "Just use your vibrator to blow off steam." 

Girls, you all have vibrators, don't you?  Every girl has.  Even my wife -- but she'd kill you if I told you. 
I think vibrators are a good way for young people to take care of those sexual urges without the worry of contracting a disease or something.  I bought a vibrator for another woman at Fox and taught her how to masturbate with it while telling her sexual stories over the phone.  She had her first orgasm as I spoke to her over the phone.  It made me happy that I could help her out that way.  I am a very unselfish person, and I try to make it a mission to ensure that every female Factor employee has had an orgasm. 

Anyway, the bimbo seemed to appreciate my advice.  So, a few months later, while we were on location in Los Angeles, I took her and her college friend out to dinner.  I knew it would give the friend a real thrill to be seen in public with the star of the most-watched show on a cable news network.  Plus, it would allow the bimbo to look like a big shot in front of her hick-town friend. 

We got to talking about life, as grownups often do.  I told them about how I lost my virginity to a girl in a car at JFK -- you remember, kids, I told you that story in the chapter about how you should wait for the right person and time before having sex. 

The young women (they were in their late '20s, but were corn-fed yokels, so they seemed a lot younger, if you know what I mean) had never traveled much, so I told them about those two really wild Scandinavian airline stewardesses I had gotten together with once, and about a girl in a sex show in Thailand who showed me things in a back room that blew my mind.  Oh, wow, did that girl know a thing or two about a thing or two!  But we should always respect American women, kids.

I also told these dames that I was going to Italy to meet the Pope -- yes, that's the kind of people I meet, being Bill O'Reilly like I am.  I said that my wife couldn't go with me, since she was pregnant and needed to stay home and watch our daughter.  My wife is a great woman, but she just isn't in my league when it comes to talking to important people and meeting heads of state.  I said that it would lonely traveling by myself, but it did give me a chance for meet some hot Italian babes. 

About then I noticed that the women's faces were flushed and their breasts were heaving, like they were excited about something.  I knew right then what the women were thinking -- they wanted me.  They wanted me bad.

The broads said that neitherof them was seeing anyone serious, and I felt kind of bad for them.  As a guy who had interviewed the George Bush, I felt I had a duty to love these young women as best as I could, even if it was hard work.  So, I told them about phone sex, which is another great way to blow off some steam, but without all the complications of a real relationship.  Plus, it's not really cheating, so even married people can indulge if they want.  Everyone agrees on that. 

I offered to phone both of them, but they just blushed some more in feigned maidenly modesty.

So, I suggested that we get a hotel room and have some fun.  They just giggled.  I could see right then that they were never going to get a man until they learned how to please one.  So, I indicated to them that they needed to be trained so they'd be equipped and ready-to-go when a real man showed up in their lives.  I even offered them to personally give them lessons.  

I advised them that they should use their sexuality to their advantage so they'd have power over men -- otherwise, men would have power over them. See, that's what a real man does for the women around them -- he teaches them how to make it in this dog-eat-dog world, degraded as it is by Britney Spears and rappers. 

But my story doesn't have the happy ending you might have thought it would.

The bimbo and her friend never did make use of my teachings, and the bimbo showed what she was made of when she quit my show after being  offered more money by a competitor.  Of course, her boss there was no Bill O'Reilly and she was soon whining all around town that she wanted her old job back.

So, I phoned her to discuss this with her.  Since she had always been something of a buxom protégée (albeit, an ungrateful, undeserving one), I said I'd try to get her something at Fox.  I told her that another female Factor producer was leaving because she was psychotic and had told a lot of crazy stories, and so maybe the bimbo could get that job if I put in a good word for her.

The bimbo asked me what I would do if anyone ever told crazy stories about me.  She know my policy: Other people will tell you to forgive somebody for a slight.  Not me. Others will say that it is "mature" to expect your employees to have faults. Agreed. They can have all kinds of faults except dishonesty and disloyalty. Either of those is poison to a work relationship.  Sorry, but I can't see it any other way. Someone can betray me once, but only once -- and then he or she is dead.

See, I told you I could be big jerk.

So, I told the bimbo that if any woman every breathed a word about the special lessons I give to chosen employees, I'd make her pay so dearly that she'd wish she'd never been born.  I'd rake her through the mud, bring up things in her life and make her so miserable that she would  be destroyed.  And besides, she wouldn't be able to afford the lawyers I can, or endure it financially as long as I could.  And nobody would believe her.  It'd be her word against mine, and who are they going to believe: me or some unstable woman making outrageous accusations?  They'd see her as some psycho, as someone unstable.  Besides, I'd never make the mistake of picking unstable, crazy girls like that.

But the bimbo didn't take the message from my words that she should have. . .

Part Two of Bill's story later today. 

(Thanks to Glenstonecottage for the Smoking Gun link which provided us with Bill's story, as well as the encouragement and protection from Bill's goons that made it all possible.) 

P.S.   Pete at The Dark Window has a review of Who's Looking Out for You: Your Vibrator! or I Know You Who Spun Last Summer, or something like that.  His review is also surprisingly sleazy.

4:32:24 AM    

Some Thoughts About the Third Debate

1.  This was Bush's best debate this campaign.  That's the good news AND the bad news for the Bush camp.   
Of course, John Kerry won again, but because Bush did better than he had previously, his supporters will claim it as a win for him -- kind of like an award for "Most Improved Camper." 

2.  Although he largely managed to control his scowls and petulant facial expressions, Bush still seemed crabby and querulous during much of the debate.  After hearing some of the questions and some of Kerry's answers, Bush appeared stunned and royally ticked, like it was an act of treason to be asking him, the President, to respond to such things.

3.  PAYGOO PAYGOO.  It's the capital of American Samoa.

4.  George apparently still thinks he's running against Ted Kennedy, as demonstrated by the way he keeps dropping Ted's name into every issue.

5.  Nobody tells Bush anything.
KERRY: Six months after he said Osama bin Laden must be caught dead or alive, this president was asked, "Where is Osama bin Laden?" He said, "I don't know. I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned."We need a president who stays deadly focused on the real war on terror.
BUSH: Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations.
His handlers need to tell Bush more about his life in preparation for these things.  You know, remind him of what he's said, what he's owned, etc., so he won't be surprised and react by denying what Kerry has claimed, and look like a bad liar as a result.  "Need some wood" indeed.

6.  What about the flu vaccine shortage?
BUSH: We're working with Canada to hopefully -- that they'll produce a -- help us realize the vaccine necessary to make sure our citizens have got flu vaccinations during this upcoming season.
But ... but ... my worry is, you know, that it looks like it's from Canada, but it might be from a Third World!!!

7.  You're out of work because you're stupid and ugly.
SCHIEFFER: Mr. President, what do you say to someone in this country who has lost his job to someone overseas who's being paid a fraction of what that job paid here in the United States?
BUSH: I'd say, Bob, I've got policies to continue to grow our economy and create the jobs of the 21st century. And here's some help for you to go get an education. Here's some help for you to go to a community college.
And the rest of the conversation would go something like this . . .

(I will supply the responses from Bob, the imaginary outsourced employee, to go along with the rest of Bush's actual answer.)
Bob: But Mr. President, I have an MBA.  I was a manager at the business that was outsourced to India.  Now you want me to go to community college???  What the heck is that all about?
BUSH: We want to help pay for you to gain the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century.
Bob: Like what?  Hamburger engineering?  Nursing Home Attendant Science?  I was making $55,000 before your economic polices caused me to lose my job.  You really think that learning a trade at community college is the answer for me?
BUSH:  I went to Washington to solve problems. And I saw a problem in the public education system in America. They were just shuffling too many kids through the system, year after year, grade after grade, without learning the basics.
Bob: You're suggesting that I didn't learn how to read and write when I was in elementary school, and THAT'S why I'm out of work?  No offense, sir, but I'm pretty sure I can read and write better than you can.  So, I don't think pushing "No Child Left Behind" really addresses my situation.
BUSH: No, education is how to help the person who's lost a job. Education is how to make sure we've got a workforce that's productive and competitive.
Bob: So, it's your position that it's the stupid, unproductive, and noncompetitive workforce's fault that it can't get jobs.  Thanks, Mr. President.  Thank you so very much.
BUSH: (now addressing the moderator and pretending that Schieffer was the one who was talking to Bob, because Bush can't stand a jobless person who isn't properly humble)  And so the person you talked to, I say, here's some help, here's some trade adjustment assistance money for you to go a community college in your neighborhood, a community college which is providing the skills necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century.  And that's what I would say to that person.
Bob: (muttering in the background while the Secret Service hauls him away)  Yeah, community colleges provide the skills to fill the jobs of the 21st century.  That's where people like me should go.  Of course, people like George here, and Jenna and NotJenna, go to Yale and Harvard and UT, since they don't NEED any damned job skills, because THEY have family connections.  So, I should go to community college and learn A/C repear because George failed at yet another job.  This is the WORST motitational speech I've ever been subjected to.  You suck, sir! 
8.  During his response to Bob, one can't look away from the fleck of spittle on the right side of the President's mouth -- it remained there throughout his answer.  Also, the left side of his mouth seemed lower than the right.  Has he had a stroke, like the Atrios commenters suggest?  Or was it some other neurological problem?  (Remember all the twitching, blinking, and short bursts of disconnected speech from last time before you answer)?  Or is his condition a result of an over dose of ritalin or something?  Nobody in the media is saying.

9.  Kerry responds to the Bob situation:
KERRY: I want you to notice how the president switched away from jobs and started talking about education principally.  Let me come back in one moment to that, but I want to speak for a second, if I can, to what the president said about fiscal responsibility. Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order in this country.
A good line.  People in the audience laugh, even though they've been threatened with death for responding in any way during the debate. 

But notice Mr. Bush: he takes a swig of water at this point -- a drink to help him deal with a difficult and frustrating situation.  Old habits die hard.

10.  And here's Kerry's response to Bush's claim that Kerry's "record does not match his rhetoric" (the phrase of the day), and that "He voted to increase taxes 98 times and to bust the budget 277 times."
KERRY: Bob, anybody can play with these votes. Everybody knows that I have supported or voted for tax cuts over 600 times.
Yes, anybody can play with those votes (since there usually numerous votes for the same bill, some with riders for "increased funding for the perverted arts" and some without).  But the Bush campaign never thought that anybody would know that. 
KERRY: But you know why the Pell Grants have gone up in their numbers? Because more people qualify for them because they don't have money.  But they're not getting the $5,100 the president promised them. They're getting less money.  We have more people who qualify. That's not what we want.
[At this point Bush jumps in, seeming to interrupt Kerry; he certainly wasn't given the floor by the moderator.  He also seems angry and mean -- maybe it WASN'T water in that glass he was sipping a moment ago.]
BUSH: Senator, no one's playing with your votes. You voted to increase taxes 98 times. When they voted -- when they proposed reducing taxes, you voted against it 126 times.
Was it 126 or 227 times he voted against reducing taxes -- I guess when you are just throwing stuff out there, it's hard to keep track.  But at least he's not, like that tool Sean Hannity did after the first debate, claiming that Kerry raised your taxes over 200 times.

11.  Is homosexuality a choice?
BUSH: You know, Bob, I don't know. I just don't know.
Meaning: "If I say it is a choice, my core supporters, the religious nuts, will be on me like a ton of bricks.  And if I say it isn't, the moderates will think I'M a religious nut.  Better say I don't know -- nobody can prove that I do."
KERRY: We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as.  I think if you talk to anybody, it's not choice.
How DARE Senator Kerry claim that Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian?!  As Mort Kondracke said in the Fox after-debate spin, the "outing" of Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter was designed to weaken the Bush/Cheney campaign in the eyes of right-wing voters who might not know about the Vice President's daughter's sexual preference. Because, you know, right-wing voters would be shocked and appalled to learn that Dick Cheney allowed his daughter to be a lesbian. 

Charles Krauthammer said that Kerry is going to have to apologize for his remark, which was obviously done NOT to appeal to gay voters.  Mort described it as "dirty politics."

So, why did Kerry mention Mary Cheney in response to a question about whether homosexuality is a choice?  (A question which Bush had said he didn't know the answer to, btw.)  Presumably to show voters that George Bush would rather claim that the daughter of his VP chose a lifestyle that won't let her marry her partner, rather than challenge the prejudices of some of his constituency. 

Yeah, it's about character.

12.  Who's responsible for rising insurance costs?
BUSH: Gosh, I sure hope it's not the administration. 
Gosh, Wally, I hope it's not either -- but it is it!  (Well, it's part of the problem.)
There's a -- no, look, there's a systemic problem. Health care costs are on the rise because the consumers are not involved in the decision-making process. Most health care costs are covered by third parties. And therefore, the actual user of health care is not the purchaser of health care. And there's no market forces involved with health care.
What I think our young friend is saying is that insurance costs are rising because the greedy, irresponsible insured people are not the ones who have to pay for their medical bills, so they go out and get frivolous open-heart surgeries and take unnecessary insulin injections and such.

13.  Bush has been reading InstaPundit and his ilk too much, and now accepts their credo that the mainstream media isn't to be trusted when they criticize him.
BUSH: In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- oh, never mind.
14.  Should the minimum wage be raised?
Shorter Kerry: Yes.
BUSH: But let me talk about what's really important for the worker you're referring to. And that's to make sure the education system works. It's to make sure we raise standards.  Listen, the No Child Left Behind Act is really a jobs act when you think about it.
Yes, NCLB is answer to everything!

15.  Some questions don't deserve a response. 
SCHIEFFER: Mr. President, I want to go back to something Senator Kerry said earlier tonight and ask a follow-up of my own. He said -- and this will be a new question to you -- he said that you had never said whether you would like to overturn Roe v. Wade. So I'd ask you directly, would you like to?
BUSH: What he's asking me is, will I have a litmus test for my judges? And the answer is, no, I will not have a litmus test. I will pick judges who will interpret the Constitution, but I'll have no litmus test.
Wow, it sounds like Bush was getting snippy with Schieffer, whose a family friend and all.  He hates the question that much.

And remember, Bush could have had 2 minutes on this question.  Instead, he took, like, 15 seconds -- he obviously does NOT want to talk about this issue.  He proves this by grasping his glass and having another drink. 

16.  But what he DOES want to talk about is No Child Left Behind, the answer to classism, sexism, and racism.

Let me set this clip up for you: Kerry has just talked about single mothers and working parents who are being hurt because the minimum wage hasn't been raised in years. "One percent of America got $89 billion last year in a tax cut, but people working hard, playing by the rules, trying to take care of their kids, family values, that we're supposed to value so much in America -- I'm tired of politicians who talk about family values and don't value families." 

This is the major part of Bush's response:
BUSH: He talked about the unemployed. Absolutely we've got to make sure they get educated.  He talked about children whose parents don't speak English as a first language? Absolutely we've got to make sure they get educated.  And that's what the No Child Left Behind Act does.
So, apparently No Child Left Behind is going to call back all these parents who only make $5.85 an hour and make go back to school and learn English and math.  That's WAY more helpful than raising wages.

Oh, and girls, as a group, do better than boys.  So, how is No Child Left Behind going to help women's earning power equal that of men?  TIt just will, okay!  That is the mystery and beauty of NCLB.

17.  What about the "backdoor draft"?
BUSH: The best way to take the pressure off our troops is to succeed in Iraq, is to train Iraqis so they can do the hard work of democracy, is to give them a chance to defend their country, which is precisely what we're doing. We'll have 125,000 troops trained by the end of this year.
I remember going on an airplane in Bangor, Maine, to say thanks to the reservists and Guard that were headed overseas from Tennessee and North Carolina, Georgia. Some of them had been there before.  The people I talked to their spirits were high. They didn't view their service as a back-door draft. They viewed their service as an opportunity to serve their country.
I.e.,  If those damned troops would just work harder and win the war, we wouldn't have to keep extending their enlistments.  And anyway, Bush remembers going on an airplane, and nobody he talked to that day complained about anything, so all the reservists and enlisted people are HAPPY to be dying after their tour should have ended.  If they weren't, they would have said so.

18.  Why didn't Bush work to extend the ban on assault weapons?
BUSH: Actually, I made my intentions -- made my views clear. I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban, and was told the fact that the bill was never going to move, because Republicans and Democrats were against the assault weapon ban, people of both parties.
I.e., All the other kids were for ending the ban, so what could I, the President do about it?  And anyway, the NRA said it was a stupid ban, and they know best about these things.

19. Do we still need EEO?
BUSH: But we ought to have an aggressive effort to make sure people are educated [...] That's the access I believe is necessary, is to make sure every child learns to read, write, add and subtract early, to be able to build on that education by going to college so they can start their careers with a college diploma.
Like I said previously, NCLB is the answer to all of life's difficult problems.  It slices, it dices, it's a floor wax AND a dessert topping.  It's the only domestic policy you need!

20.  Kerry tops Bush's "Freedom is a gift from the almighty" with "Everything is a gift from the almighty." This drives Bush to drink once again.  But hey, we'll always have "Freedom on the March."

21.  Nothing is Bush's fault.  It's Clinton's, bad CEO's, and the terrorists' fault that the economy went down the tubes and we lost jobs.  And it's Washington's fault that Bush is a divider, not a uniter.
BUSH: My biggest disappointment in Washington is how partisan the town is. I had a record of working with Republicans and Democrats as the governor of Texas, and I was hopeful I'd be able to do the same thing.
But Washington is a tough town. And the way I view it is there's a lot of entrenched special interests there, people who are, you know, on one side of the issue or another and they spend enormous sums of money and they convince different senators to taut their way or different congressmen to talk about their issue, and they dig in.
Yeah, it's all the lobbyists fault.  Poor Mr. Bush went to town, and wasn't able to change anything.  That's why he needs another four more years -- because THIS time he can make a difference!

 Anyway, that's most of what I got out of the debate.  But then, I only watch these things for amusement purposes.

3:44:56 AM

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