Jenna and NotJenna Are Heterosexuals! There, I said it! I now will undoubtedly be denounced by Mrs. Bush as "not a nice woman." Because, as everyone knows, mentioning the sexual orientation of a politician's child is a really despicable thing to do. If you don't believe we, let's hear from today's Carnival of the Wingnuts
1. First, we learn that Lileks isn't running for office, mostly so that Gnat won't get outted as a lesbian. Please: I would rather unspool my guts with a rusty ice pick than run for any sort of office. IT’S a JOKE and I had nothing to do with it, and I don’t want this to get out of hand. So it’s a dead issue. K? K. Besides, why would anyone want to go into politics if their children are now “fair game,” as Kerry’s campaign manager said? So the Cheneys have a gay daughter. OMG! I go to church, ergo I should hate the Cheneys for not putting her under wooden planks and pressing her death with stones, old-skool style! This is truly upsetting to me, because as someone who believes in a permanent reduction in capital gains tax and a strong military posture I must ergo obviously stands-to-reason rear back in horror at the very idea of gay people walking around freely instead of herded into camps and made to sew pink triangles 18 hours a day. Kerry was right to expose this festering obscenity! What if she visits the White House? What if she touches the silverware? Icky icky icky!
Yeah, the only reason Kerry could have mentioned Mary Cheney in answer to the question "Is homosexuality a choice?" is to point out that Dick Cheney's daughter is an icky lesbian, so that no church-goers would vote for him. And presumably that's the same reason that Dick brought it up in August, when he said,"Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family is very familiar with." Damn that Dick Cheney for trying to appeal to voters' homophobia this way! Jeez. Thanks for crossing that line, guys. So naturally Lynn Cheney fires back: Kerry is “not a good man,” which is a rather remarkable statement to make. Good Lord! You’d almost think her daughter had been dragged into a discussion of Constitutional amendments to score a point, or something.
James, honey, the discussion was on "Is homosexuality a choice?" George Bush said he didn't know. John Kerry said it wasn't, and added,"And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as." So, it sounds like maybe Kerry brought up Mary Cheney's name to give clueless George a hint about somebody fairly close to him whom he could ask whether it was a choice or not. Lizzie Edwards on ABC radio responded: She's [Lynne Cheney]overreacted to this and treated it as if it's shameful to have this discussion. I think that's a very sad state of affairs… I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences… It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response." Preference? Not orientation, but preference, as in, she chose it? She got that big Hey, You Too Can Be Gay! circular Columbia House sends out twice a year, saw all the neat coupons and prizes she could earn, and thought what the hey.
James, President Bush said he didn't know if it was a choice or not. So, why don't you ask HIM if he thought Mary chose it from Columbia House. I wonder if they had a meeting and calibrated the impact of going after the daughter, weighed the options, and decided she was “fair game.” Hey: you don’t want to be brought up in a campaign, don’t be born.
Or maybe, "If you don't want to be brought up in a campaign, don't be Director of VP Operations for Bush-Cheney 04. Oh, and talk to your Dad about bringing your homosexuality into his campaign." And James, if Gnat ever runs for office, if she's smart she won't bring you into her campaign.
Was Kerry trying to damage the Bush-Cheney ticket by calling attention to something many conservative Republicans probably did not know about the vice president's daughter? Here's how that makes sense. Liberals tend to believe that conservatives are bigots. On the subject of homosexuality, they think conservatives oppose gay marriage not because they genuinely believe in the sanctity of heterosexual marriage but because they hate gays. To cite Mary Cheney therefore seems to them a "gotcha" moment. It was tawdry. One cannot even imagine what stratospheric level of outrage the national press would have reached if a Republican had commented on the sexuality of a Democrat's child.
Yeah, a Republican would never do such a thing -- however, it's funny when a "Great American" refers to the daughter of a Democratic President as "the White House dog."
Oh, and here's part of an article which appeared in the pro-Republican WorldNet Daily -- it's about the sexuality of Democrat Richard Gephardt's daughter: ELECTION 2004Gephardt's lesbian daughter joins campaignDemocrats, Republicans seen going after 'gay' vote Posted May 14, 2003 The 2004 election mantra for politicos may well be "It's homosexuality, stupid," as Democratic candidates openly court the "gay" vote, and Republicans make quiet incursions into the traditionally Democratic territory – all to the distress of conservative, pro-family groups. "This is going to be a hot-button issue," predicts Peter LaBarbera with the Culture and Family Institute at Concerned Women of America, or CWA, the nation's largest Christian women's group. "Howard Dean is running on the gay issue. Now Gephardt is jumping on the band wagon. The whole party's going that way. ... Their gamble is that people don't care, but the Reagan Democrats do care." [...] In contrast to Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter, Mary, who is also a lesbian but took a more backseat role in her father's campaign, Gephardt says Chrissy will play a prominent role.
Oops, so I guess Kerry's mention of it wasn't the first the homophobes had heard of Mary Cheney's lesbianism. In fact, Concerned Woman Mr. LaBabera says that it could be because of Mary that the Republicans don't denounce homosexuals like they should. "It troubles me to see the Republican leadership so averse to dealing with [the homosexuality issue]," LaBarbera told WorldNetDaily. "They don't touch it. I don't know if it's because of Dick Cheney."
But Gephardt was seen as way worse than Cheney, because he was PROUD of his daughter. [Gephardt said of Chrissy], "She's a great young woman. She's doing great work. She's a social worker here in D.C., and I'm very proud of her," he said. LaBarbera told WorldNetDaily he considers the "proud embrace of homosexuality" a "tragedy."
So, I guess that's why Lynne was upset with Kerry: because he implied that the Cheneys were proud of Mary. And she had to correct that impression to keep the Concerned Women supporting her husband's ticket.
3. GOPUSA's Bonnie Chernin Rogoff weighs in with a piece entitled "If I Were Gay, I Wouldn't be Happy." That's to let you know that SHE isn't gay, thank God! By publicly airing that Mary Cheney is a lesbian, John Kerry broke the Democrats' golden rule. They say that government should stay out of people's bedrooms; the government has no right to invade someone's privacy.
That's how Kerry learned of Mary's sexual orientation, BTW -- he invaded her bedroom one night. He probably took some photos while he was there. Evidently, that credo only applies to abortion and only outside a campaign. To win an election, it's perfectly fair for Senators Kerry and Edwards to embarrass and exploit their opponent's daughter's sexual orientation on national television.
Was Mary's sexual orientation was embarassed by being identified as a lesbian? I doubt it -- but it (and Mary) aren't saying. However, Dave Cullen but has a great Salon piece about his feelings about being identified as a homosexual. Maybe Bonnie should read it.
But back to Bonnie's expose: Senator Edwards' wife Elizabeth responded on ABC radio: "She's overreacted to this and treated it as if it's shameful to have this discussion...I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences. ... It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response." More lies. The Cheneys have accepted their daughter's lifestyle and her partner and that hardly indicates "shame." As for overreacting...I wonder how Elizabeth Edwards would have felt had President Bush pulled such a cheap shot by exposing private details about her daughter's life for millions to hear.
And I wonder how Lynne Cheney would have felt if Dick Cheney had exposed "private details" about Mary's life, like that she was gay, for millions to hear. I bet Lynne would have called him "not a good man" too. Geez, people, Mary has worked in gay outreach programs (for Coors, and for the Republicans) for years. I think she's aware by now that she's a lesbian, and I bet she doesn't think it's all that private.
4. MensNewsDaily's Joe Mariani has a Mary cheney column that I like mainly for its title: "Playing Dirty Politics with Dick's Daughter." Doesn't it sound naughty? But is it? Sadly, No! (to quote Seb's sexual orientation).
But Joe does explain how low the Democrats are sinking this year: Kerry's purpose was to drive a wedge between the Bush-Cheney team and any socially conservative voters -- whatever their party -- in the swing states. [...] If they're willing to highlight someone's sexual orientation for political gain, what won't they do? In Tennessee, Representative Craig Fitzhugh (who shares his office with the Kerry-Edwards campaign) is distributing anti-Bush flyers featuring Bush's head on the body of someone winning a Special Olympics race. The caption reads, "Voting for Bush Is Like Running In The Special Olympics: Even If You Win, You're Still Retarded." The Democrats, unmasked at last, are even willing to insult the disabled and disadvantaged for the sake of votes. That kind of says it all, doesn't it?
The fact that Joe would get his info about the flyer from the Traditional Values Coalition and not do any further research tells us all we need to know about him, alas.
Oh, and when you visit the Traditional Values Coalition site, you'll find a section for the “Homosexual Urban Legend Series,” which is designed, in part, to "provide reporters, editors, and other opinion leaders with accurate information on the relationship between homosexuality and the molestation of children." The Coalition also offer such "special reports" as: Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children;
Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique;
Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection
So, you can see why Joe might think that Kerry and Edward mentioned Mary Cheney's homosexuality in order to "drive a wedge between the Bush-Cheney team and any socially conservative voters." Because if the people Joe hangs out with believe that Mary is likely to molest children and recruit kids the public schools, they might indeed think twice about voting for her Dad's ticket. And it will all be Kerry's fault.
5. And speaking of how to use someone's lesbianism poltically, our friend Mike Adams is johnny-on-the-spot with "If Your Brother Is the Father of Your Child...". It sounds like one of those Jeff Foxworthy jokes, doesn’t it? [Delete Foxworthy jokes to spare your sensibilities] But this article isn’t about a redneck. It’s about Julia Boseman, a North Carolina Democrat running for the State Senate against Republican Woody White. Julia Boseman, a New Hanover County commissioner, is a lesbian activist whose political agenda includes support for gay marriage and state benefits for homosexual ''domestic partners.'' She promises to be a big spending liberal Democrat, the likes of which North Carolina has never elected to its legislature. Furthermore, Boseman, whose ''domestic partner'' is the coach of UNC-Wilmington’s softball team, has been a controversial figure outside her role as a public servant. Recently, she and her ''domestic partner'' had a baby, which was made possible by a sperm donation from her biological brother. When the couple (Boseman and her ''domestic partner,'' not her brother) sought to have the baby baptized in a local church, many in the community were outraged.
As well they should be. How DARE that baby be born to a lesbian couple and then expect to get Christian rites! Readers of this editorial probably wonder why a race for a State Senate seat in North Carolina is the subject of a national column.
No, I bet they have questions like: Why in the hell would Mike think the details of how Boseman's baby was conceived are anybody's business?
Is Mike suffering from some kind of disease which causes progressive mental deterioration?
Why isn't Lynne Cheney announcing that Mike Adams is "not a good man"?
Anyway, Mike reveals the shocking fact that Boseman is getting money from out-of-state donors, and is being supported by a group which funds pro-homosexual politicians. This, of course, means that Boseman is trying to advance the hideous Gay Agenda. But these candidates rarely talk about their agenda in public. They usually wait until they are elected to spring their true plan on unsuspecting voters. That is why Boseman’s website currently shows no picture of her together with her ''domestic partner.'' That is why her biography makes no mention of her ''domestic partner'' or the child they produced with the sperm donated by her brother.
But, like the aliens in "V" who seemed nice AT FIRST, once Boseman is in office, she will rip off the mask and show you the child conceived to her partner with sperm donated by her brother!!! And then she will probably round you up and ship you to her planet, to serve as food. Since the voters of North Carolina do not share their values, the Boseman campaign adopts a two-pronged strategy; First, buy the election with out-of-state contributions from New York and San Francisco.
Because those are the two locations where all of the homosexuals live. Second, spring the radical LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-gendered) legislative agenda on the voters immediately after assuming office.
Mike knows that she plans to do this because, like Rowdy Roddy Piper in "They Live," he alone can see the space aliens in their true form. Such a strategy can only work if the public is unaware of what is happening. I wrote this article because I want voters to make an informed decision. Regardless of where you live, you need to know if your local candidate is supported by
Because if your candidate is supported by VictoryFund, he or she probably has a child conceived by his or her brother, and is probably just waiting to be elected so he or she can force you to toil in the gay mines, as part of the homosexual agenda.
4:09:19 AM |
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