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Thursday, January 13, 2011

October 26, 2004 by s.z.

Carnival of the Non-Wingnuts

1. Yesterday was apparently Sadly, No! Seb's birthday -- they grow up so fast!  So, either go over his blog and make fun of him, or join me in singing a verse of "Bon Anniversaire a Vous" (or whatever they sing to French Canadians living in Germany these days).  Many happy returns of the day, Seb.
2.  Dave Huth, "a Democratic voter in a Republican town," thought he needed a Kerry sign or something for his window.  So, he used some McGyver tricks and made himself one!  Be sure to click on the picture to see how it did it.  (Thanks to Tim for the tip).
3.  Thanks to a link at Clareified, we now know what kind of blogger I am:
You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of. And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!
 Yeah, so it wasn't that big of a surprise.  Anyway, Dawn at Clareified has some new stuff that's well worth reading, like her post "It is Finished" (about why we really don't have to vote for Bush to prove that we aren't afraid of terrorism) -- so, I don't think that she is merely "A Link Blogger."
4.  Julia at Sisyphus Shrugged bring Scottie around to explain why we shouldn't be worried about the tons of missing explosives in Iraq -- they were accounted for before they went missing. 

6:56:09 AM    

Carnival of the Wingnuts

Because Glenn Reynolds is in rehab this week, and somebody needs to bring this stuff to your attention.
1.  Let's start with Doug Giles, who offers up a little something called A Christian Can Be a Christian or a Liberal, But He Can’t Be Both.  Here's a sample:
Thanks to rabid vapid secularism, our public schools and universities would rather you be a Rocky Horror super freak than a Christian.
Well, it is true that the Rocky Horror fans have started a lot fewer wars ...
If your beliefs run to the bizarre or the banal, or if you want to smoke the same philosophical crack that Caligula, Nero, Castro or Lenin freebased, they’ll accommodate you.
The public schools aren't monitoring the students for throught crimes???  Doug is right -- you HAVE to vote for Bush, because he will make the kids stop smoking philosophical crack.
Our schools are totally open to anyone and to anything, unless, of course, you’re a Christian.  And if that’s the case, then you’re likely to get more sympathy from a badger with minimal sleep than you will from liberal educators who are hard at work making your life hard.
Doug once met a badger with minimal sleep, and so Doug knows how cranky they can be.  Yup, Doug woke up the varmint by shooting him, and man, was that thing unsympathetic!
BTW, Dark Window Pete advises us that Batholomew has a very interesting and informative exploration of Doug's people -- my favorite bit is how Doug's Clash Motel church used to be a franchise of a South African charismatic group -- but since that group's founder left for a "period of restoration" after being caught in adultery with female parishioners, apprently Doug doesn't play up that association anymore.

2Rabbi Shmuley Boteach explains that while it's wasn't nice of Bill O'Reilly to sexually harass that woman (if he did it), it's really MTV's fault.
The question that the growing phenomenon of sexual harassment in the workplace raises is this: Can we really expect to have a healthy office environment, where men treat women as colleagues and intellectual equals, when everywhere else in the culture women are being so completely sexualized?
Is it realistic to ask men to separate what they see on TV and in magazines from their interactions with women in the boardroom?
No.  Men can't be possibly be expected to keep their fantasies about the slutty girls in music videos separate from their interactions with Ms. Smith from accounting.  That's why women shouldn't be allowed to work, to attend school, or to leave the house unless draped in fabric from head to toe.
With men being deluged in virtually every electronic medium with the message that women want to be recognized for their bodies rather than their brains, is it reasonable to expect that men will suddenly think differently the moment a woman dons a business suit?
And with falafel available in so many food stands, is it reasonable to expect Bill O'Reilly not to call up a subordinate and tell her to get a vibrator? I mean, geez, how are men like Bill supposed to know that women at work don't want to hear their sexual fantasies, when the girls in those late-night Cinemax movies seem really excited about such things. 
Let's face it: men are idiots.  So, until women aren't portrayed as sexual beings by the media (and until women in offices stop being female), it won't be the men's fault if women get sexually harassed.

3.  Now, here's Doug Schmitz, "a conservative columnist who holds a master’s degree in journalism."  He has written a really long piece about how it's the liberals' fault that Bill O'Reilly harassed that woman (which he didn't do, as the whole thing is just a leftist plot to bring down Fox News and George Bush):
If anti-American leftists aren’t destroying Bush-Cheney campaign offices across the country or committing massive, Al Gore-style voter fraud, they’re wreaking havoc on the independent media, namely the Fox News Channel. Since Fox News has been a breath of fresh air to those of us who grew sick and tired of the pro-Democrat, leftist spin decades ago, those on the Left have literally thrown conniption fits over Fox News beating out CNN, the Left’s favorite feeding trough.
Hmm, literal conniption fits.  Strange that I've missed them.  I must have thought those on the Left were afflicted with epilepsy or something. 
But anyway, damn those anti-American leftists for how they used voter fraud to get Al Gore into the White House!
Besides, Morelli has already shown he has some kind of political axe to grind, considering his financial ties to the Democratic Party – and the fact that he might not have ever finished law school, according to New York Metro reporter Robert Kolker.
Well, if Morelli once donated money to the Democratic Party and he never finished law school, one can see why he would want to go after Bill O'Reilly.  See, Bill is a registered Independent who may have hit on Morelli's mother, according to my paper boy.
Another red flag is that Mackris, who left Fox News to work for CNN, abruptly returned to Fox News after several months, leading some to suggest that Mackris was possibly a “Times-Warner plant,” in an attempt to bring down Fox News, CNN’s chief nemesis.
Who has suggested this?  Well, nobody you would know -- but somebody must have, and he could be right!
We’ve already seen how the Left tried to destroy the reputations of Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett last year, as well as trash the characters of Trent Lott, John Ashcroft and Rick Santorum.
And I bet CNN used moles to addict Rush on opiates, and to get Bill Bennett hooked on gambling (just like they used a Santorum double to make those "man on dog" comments).  It's all part of the global conspiracy to discredit Bush.  Really!
The fact is, the Left attempted to use all of these top conservatives as proxies to impugn the character of Bush, who’s willing to sacrifice his entire presidency for doing what’s right in Iraq, while Kerry’s political swift boat seems to always bolt in the opposite direction of the firefight of his ever-changing positions on Iraq (which is a part of the war on terrorism).
So, if you make any negative comments about Bill's phone calls to Ms. Mackris, you are really attacking George Bush, who is busy fighting a war against terrorism.  Thus, calling O'Reilly a horny, hypocritical dog means that you're working on behalf of al Qaeda, you traitor! 

4.  Our friend Mark from Fried Green al-Qaedas (which today features that strong, new ad about Bush's faith, "Voodoo") introduced us to Rev.Austin Miles (yes, that's how he punctuates his name).  And just who the hell is Rev.Austin Miles, you ask?
Rev.Austin Miles, a chaplain in Northern California is a historian who is recognized by the International Who's Who Historical Society.
 So there! 
Anyway, Rev.Austing offers us a fascinating column entitled Teresa Heinz Kerry Funds Islamic Recruitment In Public Schools. reported October 20th that Teresa Heinz Kerry, the rich wife of the Democrat Presidential Contender, John Kerry, has funded a public school curriculum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that is clearly an indoctrinational Islamic course, which includes confessions of belief in Islam.
Yes, it seems that FrontPage's managing editor, Ben Johnson, has written a book about Teresa Heinz's charities.  So, we're dealing with a wingnut writing about allegations made by another wingnut in a book he is promoting on his very wingnutty site.  Can Rev.Austin's piece possibly be any any crazier that its source, Ben Johnson's book?  
Of course it can!
The mandated curriculum includes "role-playing," that requires students to recite Muslim sacred words and imitate their prayer practices.
You know, what our old friend Jen Shroder always used to complain about: that they are teaching kids how to say "Allah Akbar" in the public schools.  (BTW, despite telling us that she was abandoing her cause since her kids old enough not to be in danger from Islamic indocrination, she has a new article out called Islam's Recruitment In America's Schools Rages On The Two Faces Of Islamist Educators.  Yeah, just when we thought she was out, they pull her back in.)
Anyway, back to our new friend Rev.Austin:
FrontPage adds that whether the speaker understands what he is saying or not, one is considered to have converted to Islam if he (even unknowingly) confesses a belief in Allah. And this conversion is considered irrevocable, bringing the unwitting recruit under Islamic law. Again, this is taking place in our public schools!
Kids, if you look in the mirror and say "Allah Akbar" three times, you have become a Muslim.  And a terrorist!  It's true!  I saw it in a movie.  Rev.Austin saw it too.
And why are Muslims and their supporters so intent upon bringing Islam into the classrooms of America? Because the Palestinians have publicly boasted that there will soon be suicide bombers in America.
And who will these suicide bombers be and where will they come from? From the schools. The same as in the Middle East, where children are raised to be 'martyrs'.
Yup.  By teaching kids about Islam, we are forcing them to become Muslim suicide bombers.  And that's just what the Democratic Party and John Kerry wants!
These Islamic courses are not for the purpose of learning about other cultures. Don't let the liberal school boards, the Democrat-controlled Offices of Public Education, or the secular media deceive you. They are being forced upon America's school children to bring sympathy to the Islamic cause and to obtain recruits.
And the Democratic Party along with their presidential candidate is doing everything to help them to do it including giving financial aid.
Remember, Teresa Heinz oversees a charity which donates money to a variety of causes, including education -- and some of her money has apparently helped to fund a curriculum that teaches kids about Islam.  Therefore, Teresa (and John Kerry, and his Party) are trying to turn your kids into suicide bombers.  The logic is flawless. 
It is ironic that the Dems are also pushing the homosexual agenda in the public schools, which makes it mandatory to encourage little kids to experiment with this perverted, harmful and unhealthy lifestye, 'in order to know their true sexual identity.'
If Islam succeeds in overthrowing America, all known homosexuals and those who back them (that's right, the Dems) will be executed under Islamic law. Not only them, but all who refuse to convert to Islam.
When that happens, I bet John Kerry will feel pretty stupid then for having promoted both mandatory homosexuality in schools AND the overthrow of America. 
How can voters expect John Kerry to protect them from terrorism when his own wife funds the terrorist agenda? This man should have long ago been charged with treason.
Because Teresa Heinz Kerry donated money to a variety of worthy causes, John should be arrested for treason.  Truly Rev.Austin is one of the country's foremost wingnuts, and I really want to thank Mark for bringing him to our attention.  I think we'll be seeing more of him in coming Carnivals.

5.  And speaking of nutty Reverends writing about Islam, here's our friend Joseph Grant Swank with "Muslims For Kerry. A Frightening Prospect For America."
The fact that Muslims in the USA are championing John F. Kerry for President is indeed quite frightening. If Kerry gets into the Oval Office, Muslims will earn front seats at the whatevers royal.
It would probably be more frightening if I knew what the heck the "whatevers royal" was.
To those in the know about the Muslim religion, it is not a "faith of peace." It is corrupt. It is war-bent. It is out to destroy everything that is not Muslim.
Therefore, if Kerry becomes President, Muslim power will loom in America. It’s already been condoned in certain schools, even to the point of some grades reciting the Koran. Other school systems have employed Muslim spokespersons to explain the Muslim religion to staff so that teachers can be more articulate in teaching Islam in their classes.
Explaining Islam to educators! The horror!  The horror! site manager Ali Sina, an ex-Muslim, posts daily the truth about Islam.

In other words, for those who believe in the God of the Bible as well as the devil depicted in Holy Scriptures, Mohammed is of Satan. He is an agent of hell who came to Earth in order to propagate a religion combating the saving grace of Christ. It seems harsh to some to underline these points of truth, nevertheless, truth must be stated clearly.
No, denouncing a major world religion (one which has much in common with Judaism and Christianity, btw) as Satanic doesn't seem harsh at all. 
The stark reality of Islam is that it is covered with blood, the blood of non-Muslims.
As opposed to Christianity, which has never been used as the pretext for war, torture, persecution, and other bloody acts.
Ali Sina goes on to state that "an unbiased study of Quran shows that far from being a ‘miracle’, that book is a hoax. The Quran is replete with scientific heresies, historic blunders, mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities, grammatical errors and ethical fallacies. Could possibly the author of this Universe be as ignorant as it appears to be in the Quran?"
Pastor Swank, are you sure that pointing out the scientific, historic, logical, etc., problems with various holy books is what you want to get into?  Because the Bible has been known to have a problem or two along those same lines -- and since you preach its literal truth, somebody might ask what your holy book says about the author of the this Universe. 

6.  Kevin McCullough apparently has a radio show in New York.  His latest column is called "Why Women Like Bush."
President Bush sees women much the way we see his favorite woman - creatures full of grace, beauty and elegance - and full of respect.
So, per Kevin, Bush sees all women like we see Laura -- and that's why we women like him.  Um, Kevin, you do know that some people see Laura as a kind of heavily medicated Stepford Wife, right?
He also believes that a woman should never be taken advantage of. He has been tough on this point. He signed the "Laci and Connor" law which makes committing a crime against a pregnant woman a double offense.
No, it just makes it an additional offense against the fetus.
He signed the partial birth abortion ban - which violates in a brutal fashion the child and womb of a mother.
And unless women are being giving late-term abortions against their will, this again seems to be more for the benefit of the fetus than the woman.
He has funded in record amounts initiatives to help mothers get or remain married. He recognizes that marriage in many respects is a protection for women.
A protection against what?  Perhaps all his devastating economic and welfare policies, hmm?
But what about his opponent?
In that same debate John Kerry on a now famous level violated one woman's private sexual identity, dragged it onto the stage of a presidential debate for the mere purpose of smearing her father, outing the woman to anyone watching, and remaining smug in his thinking that he had won a point in a political debate.
Yes, George Bush is the champion of women, deciding when they can get abortions because he knows that they aren't competent to make their own decisions about such things.  However, John Kerry violated Mary Cheney's private sexual identity (for nobody, not even Mary, knew that she was gay before that debate), in order to smear her father by revealing that he is the father of a lesbian.  So, we women are all going to vote for Bush.
No offense, Kevin, but if women really do like Bush for the reasons you stated, then Ann Coulter would be right, and they would be too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Okay, those are all the wingnuts I can take for today (and you probably gave up long ago).  But some readers have given me even more wingnut rips and referrals, so we will try to get those nuts in a couple of days.  Thanks everyone, for your suggestions and leads.

1:46:44 AM    

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