George Bush: He's a Loser, But at Least He Doesn't Get ManicuresSunday wouldn't be complete without a sermon from our favorite hotel pastor, Doug Giles. This week's message, Kerry Promises Bush Delivers, is about how Kerry won the debate, but Bush makes a good delivery man for Karl Rove's various thoughtlets.
And if you were looking for clarity of thought, grace under pressure, and an explanation of why four more years of Bush would be any better than the last four, you were also disappointed by Bush. But then, nobody was looking for that from him, not even Doug.
And he neither fished nor cut any bait. However, he did explain that he can use the bait to rile up the piranahs if he wants to, because he's the President. And he also told us that shooting squirrels is part of the War on Fish, because the squirrels were looking at him funny, and so were undoubtedly plotting something. Yes, he was his typical self.
Poor George. It's hard work to try to love those hurricane victims as best as he can, knowing full well that Jimmy Carter would have helped them reshingle the roof or something practical like that, instead of just standing around and gawking at stuff. And all that loving wore him out, which is why George looked so cranky at the debate. Well, that and because Karen forgot to give him his juice box.
Of course Doug owns champion pit bulls. Doug is the kind of a tough, macho, manly guy who would. He is also a "shark master," mountain biker, and hunter of the most dangerous game: Precious Moments figurines. So, when Doug tells us that the reason that George appeared petulant was because he was annoyed with Kerry for taking him away from the war for 90 minutes, you can believe him. Especially since Doug has a lot more war experience that the primping John Kerry. Oh, wait, Doug's experience was in drug dealing and thievery. Never mind.
Only non-P.C. men from Texas who live in the great state of Florida and who own pit bills (and who have lots of contact with weasels) can really understand Bush. That's why Doug got the gig of interpreting George for the hard of thinking. Anyway, Doug explains that while Kerry is the smarter guy and the better speaker, and the one who seems most presidential, George has accomplished a bunch of war stuff.
Doug, I'll just give you a few (of the thousands on this topic) recent Google News citations -- YOU read the stories and figure out why you're an idiot:
But I guess Doug, like his fellow macho man George, doesn't read newspapers.
Where did this stat come from, I wonder? Anyway, Doug lists seven more things that Bush has accomplished, including "The sons of Libya’s and Egypt’s dictators have both foresworn any interest in succeeding their fathers," while Kerry hasn't been a War President at all! So, I guess Doug has proven his point that Bush actually won the debate on manliness points.
Um, doesn't God get to deal out hell to the deserving? Or has he officially passed that power on to his Only Begotten Son from Texas now?
Doug is jealous, because HE couldn't pass the TV dumb chick test.
Yes, we know what Bush will do: continue to screw things up, leaving more young Americans dead, and more Iraqis in chaos and disorder (and angry at America). And this proves that George is much like the movie characters played by John Wayne and Rambo: inarticulate and unpolished, but despite that, a fricking idiot and a threat to those around him. And that's what guys like Doug, who raise prize pit bulls and master sharks, look for in a President. 6:57:04 AM ![]() |
Some Godly AdviceFrom our favorite fundamentalist busybodies, Dear Susie and Mom of 9.
Okay, what do you think Susie told Confused:
I'm not going to give you the answer. You should just pray and read the scripture until it comes to you. Now, on to some of Mom of 9's warnings about the dangers of 'the Dating Game." Not the old game show where if you responded with enough corny innuendo to the question, "If I were a Popsicle, what would you do to me," you could win a date with an eligle bachelor like Paul Lynde. No, Mom is talking about the dangers of dating instead of staying safely at home and letting your father pick your spouse for you.
But if you get them safely married off at 18, then they will never be jealous. Not because they will be suddenly be mature just because they took marriage vows with somebody they don't really know, but because they really couldn't care less about their marriage partner and whom he or she talks to, or has an affair with.
If Jezebel hadn't been allowed to date, she would have been a nice housewife married to an accountant instead of a whorish queen of Israel who ended up being eaten by dogs. And we know that she was a flirt because she got Ahab to worship Baal. This means that she probably read Dr. Laura's book on how to manipulate husbands into doing what you want, and Dr. Laura's technique requires some heavy-duty flirting.
Yes, what if Jesus had written love notes to various girls in his junior high classes instead of being crucified when it was His time? Then where would we all be?
It's true! Let your children date, and the next thing you know, they're wanting to drive cars, read books, and even make their own decisions. And then they start breaking the law: driving faster than the speed limit, littering, committing murder, etc. Yes, YOUR son and daughter! Mine too, except that mine are cats and are fixed, so they don't really date much these days.
That's the worst thing about having your kids' hearts get broken -- it causes them to distrust even YOU! So, never let your kids date, because it might cause them to become bitter and cynical about love, and therefore undermine your authority over them. Now to sum things up:
Well, if it tells us to be "peculiar," but I don't think it says we have to be "weird" and "obsessive about our kids." But if it did, I think Mom of 9 is well on her way to obeying that commandment. 5:17:30 AM ![]() |
Spiritual SundayTo atone for Sex Thursday, here are some items to increase your purity. Or something. We start with a paragraph from Frank Rich's review of the Grizzly Adams Productions DVD entitled George W. Bush: Faith in the White House.
As as George taught us in the debates, it's hard work being Jesus. And since this quality DVD is only $14.95, that's what everybody on my Christmas list will be getting this year. Especially since if I pretend to be a church, the producers intend to send me a free copy, per WorldNetDaily ("The producers of a documentary about President Bush's faith hope to educate millions of Christians nationwide about the commander in chief's spiritual life by distributing DVD copies of the film to 300,000 churches – every church in the country with a mailing address.") I think I will be Church O'Crap. And it looks like George's faith got the production company worthy of it. Consider such other fine Grizzy Adams features as Encounters With the Unexplained.
And then there's the Bible Code series.
Um, if you find that God is sending you coded messages about you and your family (or about military intelligence) in the Bible, I think it's time to take a break from all the decrypting and maybe read something else for a while. But I still think I'll be giving out George W. Bush: Faith in the White House this Christmas. Because as a church, that's the one I'll get for free. So let's read one more portion of Frank Rich's piece:
Hey, even if George gets voted out of office, he could still fight his battle against the forces of evil. He should go to the Middle East and fight to his heart's content. I mean, look at Joan of Arc -- she didn't let a little thing about not being King of France stop her. I think she should be George's role model. 3:54:09 AM |
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