TBogg Turns TwoTeething is going to be a bitch. Yes, we want to wish a happy blogiversary to TBogg, which turned two sometime last week (Tom claims to be a guy, and therefore unable to recall anniversaries -- and he may indeed be a guy, although I'll have to wait until the special kerning unit of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders verifies this before putting it on "60 Minutes"). Anyway, let's join some of the special friends of TBogg in wishing it many happy returns of the day! 5:23:15 AM ![]() |
Townhall ReviewTownhall hasn't posted many new columns for today, but let's look at the nuttier ones which are up. In another one of his "whining about how everybody is mean to me is somehow relevant to YOU" columns, Mike explains that he no longer subscribes to the local paper because it doesn't print his editorials. And besides -- it uses articles from the NY Times, and the Times "has the blood of our troops on its hands" because it doesn't say enough nice things about George Bush. So, don't buy the Mayberry Gazette, because it's part of the NYT media empire of treason and terrorism.
Um, but if it's an open and unabashed crusade, why does this mean the paper lacks journalistic integrity? I mean, one could say (if one was a dimwit) that it means that the paper's editors are going to hell, but I don't think the canons of journalistic ethics proscribe one from working to legalize same-sex marriage.
Mike, journalistic ethics compel me to inform you that the above HAS to be an exaggeration (at a minimum), unless you are claiming that some of the Times writers personally murdered our soldiers. (And if you are, that could be considered libel.)
9/11 changed everything, and selfless, non-flippant, patriotic Americans should no longer sell their cars or advertise their businesses. (What kind of world does Mike live in, if he seriously believes that it's literally the case that the local paper is an anti-American enterprise?)
Mike, it's touching (but rather pathetic) that you cling to the hope that people will read your columns. Kerfufflegate. Is there anything new to say about it at this point?
Well, I guess describing Lucianne Goldberg as blogosphere's head nun is new. Thanks, Kathleen. Deniss expains why religious conservatives don't have to obey the law: because they are morally superior to the godless liberals. Also, the reason that the rest of the world doesn't appreciate our selfless invasion of Iraq is because they're just jealous. Plus, we don't need any legal reason to declare war, because GOD tells us who to invade.
Dennis knows this because ... ?
Yeah, those who supported attacking Iraq believed that Saddam was behind 9/11 -- so a flippin' clue also played no role in their assessment.
Hey, that's just what Paula Devlin said in that column we looked at yesterday! She also said that God only needed ten sentences to give us His laws -- do you also believe that, Dennis? Oh, and she thinks that the Jews are allied with the antichrist in a conspiracy to bring about the New World Order. I think you two kids should really hit it off.
Dennis, if you are right and Bush holds himself above the laws of this country because he believes he only answers to God, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought. Walter explains the economics of why some people are richer than others: it's because they work harder, and are just better.
And there are very few dogs who chase tennis balls and put five of them in their mouths, like Augie. But Augie doesn't make big bucks, like Shaq. It would seem that playing basketball well has no more inherent value that what Augie does. Therefore, what society values is certainly part of why Shaq makes more money than a neurosurgeon. And if Shaq, who is arguably one of the country's top basketball players, makes more money than one of the country's top-five neurosurgeons, then this would invalidate Walter's point about the wage inequalities being just about supply and demand. But hey, Walter is the Shaquille O'Neill of economists, while I'm just an ignorant neurosurgeon/supermodel, so make up your own mind about this point.
Yeah, race, sex, class, nationality, and luck have nothing to do with it -- it's just how industrious you are that determines your income. Shaq would be just as rich even if he had been born in a remote village in Ecuador, and George Bush would still be a millionaire if he had been born a poor, black child. Well, since that didn't take too long, let's now review some of the columns available at TownHall's low-rent competitors (who AREN'T currently holding annoying fund-raising drives, by the way). 4:04:40 AM ![]() |
The Generic-Brand ChallengersSince Townhall was slow about posting some the work of some of the usual Wednesday columnists, Michelle was forced to join the WorldNetDaily team, serving alongside kindred spirit Hugh Hewitt. Representing Renew America is America's oldest member of the He-Man Women Hater's Club, Carey Roberts. And rounding out things is our favorite from BushCountry.org, Pastor Swank. So, here's Michelle, being extra nutty, possibly because she got demoted to the farm team. Michelle has her panties in a bunch because a school district's emergency preparedness drill used fictitious anti-public school zealots as the attackers, thus distracting us from the only REAL terrorists: Muslims!
No, Michelle, per the story you cited, they were preparing for "emergencies," not terrorism. Here, they did a similar exercise, but the event that supposedly caused all the injuries and destruction was a big explosion caused by a gas leak. See, our drill wasn't about enforcing anti-natural gas bigotry anymore than the one in Michigan was about defaming homeschoolers -- it was about emergency preparedness. Get a grip, woman!
So, the domestic terrorists AREN'T our enemies?
Michelle, honey, that release didn't say that homeschooling parents were the pretend terrorists, it said "a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled." Since that's not you, it seems like you're overreacting a bit. That isn't you, is it? Hugh's claims that Kerfufflegate has caused John Kerry to go into hiding.
When did authentic candidate George W. Bush last answer hard-hitting questions from, well, anybody? The last time I recall George being part of a TV interview with "one of the heavies" was that respectful handling he got from Chris Matthews back in February. That was over 200 days ago.
So, I guess George isn't a REAL presidential candidate. (Not that I ever thought he was, but I am surprised that Hugh would admit as much.)
Oh, and it's also been hell on America's Worst Mother™, Mickey Kaus, and Bush's Texas Air National Guard Service. Carey explains that KerfuffleGate was caused by feminism.
And Don Mapes couldn't possibly have any bias of his own. And TalonNews is well known for being credible and non-partisan. So much for pundit objectivity!
So, if the producers of "Good Morning America" are feminists and liberals, then this proves that the entire mainstream media is biased against men.
And what does that have to do with the fake Killian documents, you ask. Well, nothing -- but the feminists just make Carey so darned mad that he lost his train of thought. In another "mediocre minds think alike" moment, our friend Pastor Swank also writes about how those snotty European nations are just jealous of the way we invade other countries. So, I'd like to suggest that Dennis Prager and Pastor Swank get together, since they seem to be another ideally suited couple.
It says right there in the Constitution that we have to share our form of government with other nations, whether they like it or not, and even if they aren't properly grateful. And it just so happens that Pastor Swank knows a little something about people who just don't appreciate one's efforts like they should.
Should Pastor Swank take this as a hint that his counseling, ministering, cooking, and preaching could leave something to be desired, and perhaps he shouldn't inflict them on everybody? Heck, no!
It's probably a good thing for the Pastor that Jesus Christ doesn't pass out pink slips these days.
Yes, while everybody else may think that we're officious, bumbling, high-handed meddlers, since Jesus hasn't fired us yet, we must be doing the right thing. And that's this week's Townhall Vs. the Low Rent Wingnut venues. Next time we hope to get Mother Superior Lucianne to moderate the procedings. 3:41:08 AM |
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