Blogging With Jenna and NotJennaFor some substantive reporting on the issues, we go to the Bush Twins:
What were those questions? What were the girls' answers? That's for them to know and you to find out. But the key thing to remember is that the people were pretty incredible.
What do four-month-old babies do to support Bush? Presumably, the same thing as Jenna and NotJenna: pose for photo ops, and empty bottles.
Well, I guess it would make the twins feel awed ... I mean, awesome, to find out that somebody respects their Dad. Especially somebody who isn't an actor!
So, that's how the baby supports Bush: she prays for the Bush family.
Yes, it's a "twin thing" to want to stay irresponsible college students forever. Oh, and didn't you girls also get overcome by nostalgia for the carefree days of college while at each of the three universities you visited in Ohio? Have you considered going for your doctorates -- that way you could stay in school for at least 4 more years?
Yeah, it was hilarious that they thought that the twins would ever call losers like them!
And I too really challenge every college and university to build more Students for Bush, because then the Bush girls will visit, and that way we can keep J and NJ away from the night clubs. ![]() Now, wasn't that an awesome, incredible report? So, how many think the twins really wrote it, and how many think that somebody pretending to be two airheaded teens wrote it? (Personally, I can't decide.) 7:42:13 AM ![]() |
Carnival of the Wingnuts1. Let's hear first from Selwyn Duke, international man of mystery and tennis. He writes about "What we really have to fear from John Kerry." And what we have to fear is his liberal cabinent, which will undoubtedly discriminate against white men. It seems that white men are the new Jews, while liberals are the new Nazis.
The horror, the horror! Yes, that was WAY worse than corruption! But is it even true? Well, the only source for the claim seems to be David Schippers, who told Bill O'Reilly in 1999 that he'd heard the story from a client.
Odd that nobody else reported it, or at least confirmed this story. But I guess everybody else were part of the vast PC conspiracy -- or part of the 4th Reich.
Yup, Kerry would rather see white men killed than use them to further the war effort. However, the un-PC George Bush works to insure that young men and women of all races die to futher the war effort.
Clearly, if President Clinton appointed a Secretary of Energy who, per one secondhand account, didn't promote white men, then it means that President Kerry would appoint al Qaeda members to cabinent positions (to futher diversity), and they would order all white men to concentration camps. Can you take that risk??? 2. And speaking of Bill O'Reilly, his latest column is about how the elite media won't call terrorists "terrorists." You've heard it all before. But Bill has secret goverment info!
I demand that the FBI investigate the claim that a U.S. intelligence official provided U.S. intelligence info to Bill O'Reilly's researcher! That sounds like it might be a leak, and we know how much George Bush hates leaks!
But everybody else wants another one of those pre-emptive strikes, because they are so effective, so sensible, and so cheap. Next time it could be a pre-emptive strike against Denmark, to prevent terrorists from ever thinking about going on vacation there -- wouldn't that be cool!
O'Reilly logic: Zarqawi is an al Qaeda member. Zarqawi is now fighting in Iraq. Sadam used to be the head of Iraq. Therefore, Sadam was allied with al Qaeda, and by implication, responsible for 9/11.
And because Bush's anti-terrorism plan in Iraq is going so well, the press doesn't doesn't you to think about it. And the press doesn't want you to know that terrorists are basically all members of the same club.
So our next pre-emptive strike should be against Ireland! 3. Paula Devlin longs for the good, old days, when everybody believed in God, so we didn't need laws.
Apparently Paula has never read the Old Testament, or she would be aware of the pages and pages of laws contained therein -- for instance, the book of Leviticus is basically nothing but laws, and it runs about 45 pages. And actually, the Ten Commandments (as recorded in the KJV of Exodus 20) are composed of 11 sentences, since "keep the sabbath day holy" gets two.
Yeah, those were the good old days, back before the Code of Hammurabi.
I'm not sure who exactly Paula is describing here: it sounds like she's railing against rich Republican legislators, but that seems kind of out of charactor for her. 4. Ron Paul, a regular writer for "TruthNews," has a column entitled "Forcing Kids Into a Mental Health Ghetto."
When, of course, the truth is that our nation has no children whatsoever with undiagnosed mental disorders. Anyway, from an initiative recommending "universal" mental health screenings of children, Paul infers that there is a government plan to have goverment officials do the screenings. What's worse is that these officials will prescribe unneeded drugs to your kids (because we frequently let GS-8 clerks diagnose kids and prescribe dispense medication) -- maybe as part of a sinister plot to benefit the drugs companies and the ritalin industry. Oh, and children who believe in God and conservatism could be labled "crazy" and put in mental hospitals! All because the government thinks it owns your kids!
Yeah, first the state makes your kids go to school. Then it makes you get them vaccinated against deadly diseases. And then it makes you stop beating them! When will this interference with parental rights end?!? So, who is this wingnutty new columnist?
5. John Kyl also writes regularly for TruthNews. He's here to tell us about how poor people LIKE paying unfair taxes!
See, if you vote for lower taxes for the rich, they will be grateful, and will invite you to join their privileged number.
And if small business owners are made to give up more of their income to help run the country, then they will sulk and refuse to create more jobs.
Yes, the top 2% of taxpayers account for 37% of the collected income tax (something that poverty-stricken Rush Limbaugh mentions on every possible occasion). But it's probably fair to mention a few more statistics, such as:
So, are they really paying "their fair share, and then some"?
[Note: the above facts are from a few years ago, and since the rich have continued to get richer in recent days, the disparity between rich and poor is even greater now.] Oh, and this Rush Limbaughesque pundit is "Senator Jon Kyl, a Republican, [who] represents Arizona in the U.S. Senate. 6. Joel Mowbray writes about how counterintelligence investigations which involve Israel are anti-Semitic.
Joel, passing a classified document to agents of a foreign power goes beyond "mishandling of classified information" -- you can look up the federal codes yourself. Mishandling classified documents would be like if, say, Sandy Berger, accidentally carried home classified documents and then distroyed them without ever letting unauthorized people see them. And he was hanged, wasn't he?
No, Joel, the lowest grade of secrecy is "Confidential."
Only if the classifier could cite one or more reasons (from the official classification guidelines) why it should be so classified. Ask that "someone with intimate knowledge of the draft presidential directive" what the classification citation for the paper was, and I'll bet you'll find out that there were reasons that we didn't want it being passed out to foreign nationals.
Because passing a classified document to agents of a foreign power ISN'T "espionage" or "spying" if it involves Isreal, and only an anti-Semite would say that it is.
Obviously, part of the anti-Semitism in action.
Dave isn't the sharpest knife in the counterintelligence drawer, and MANY of his cases fail to persude DOJ to prosecute anybody. But most of those cases don't involve Jews, Israel, or neocons. So, sorry, Joel -- I think this is about the espionage, not the anti-Semitism. Oh, and the fact that the press noted that your neocon friends in the Pentagon screwed up the Iraqi war isn't about anti-Semitism either -- it's about incompetence on Feith's (and the rest's) part. 5:50:29 AM |
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