And In Non-Wingnut News . . .As a break from all the stupidity, you might want to check out Frederick's BeatBushBlog today. Recent stuff includes a heart-breaking letter from a woman whose brother died in Iraq -- after his release date had been extended; the story of how the former head of the Medicare agency, Thomas A. Scully, must repay seven months of his salary to the government because the Bush administration illegally withheld data from Congress on the cost of the new Medicare law; and fun with poll results. And more! 9:43:22 AM ![]() |
Townhall Vs Renew America(Now broken into two chunks, for easier commenting.) Not since Gamera Vs. Mothra has there been a battle this goofy. So, let's start with the Goliath in this fight, the colossus known as Townhall. TheTownhall Reigning Champs Jonah explains that those who criticize Republican "average Joes" for voting against their own interests are wrong. See, it's in everyone's interest to vote for policies that help the rich, because you'll probably be joining their ranks any day now. And won't somebody think of the children?
Jonah salutes it, but believes that Homer SHOULD support a tax cut for Mr. Burns -- because since Homer owns a house, his interests align with those of Burns and Reiner Wolfcastle, rather than with slobs who merely rent, like Carl and Lennie.
See, everyone who owns their own house can benefit from the abolition of the "death tax" on $1 million-plus inheritances.
Therefore, it's in their best interests to make life easier for George Bush's friends. And to kick out immigrants because the Bear tax is so high. Because the PC media refrains from saying that Islam is a murderous religious cult, we will never win the war on terrorism.
A Google search of the terms "Ku Klux Klan" and "racist" comes up with 33,600 hits, the vast majority of them making reference to the Klan's racism. However, a Google search of the terms "Davey and Goliath" and "satanic" and "porn" comes up with only 9 hits, none which deal with the puppets allegiance to Satan, or the video they made for Rich Santorum. I think this proves that Google is sanitizing information under orders from its master, Lucifer.
It's obvious that we can't! Therefore, we must intern the media until the war is over, for our own protection. While not all of them are working for the enemy, this is no time to worry about individual guilt or innocence, so the internment must include those who write for Townhall, since some of them allegedly are journalists, and others look kinda non-Caucasian. Brent Bozell The media is not only keeping us from winning the war on terra (see above), it is also dedicated to electoral overthrow of George Bush, which is, by definition, treason.
Hey, Brent, Michelle's internment camp plan for the media answer your complaints too. Mary Katharine, a young editor of the The Heritage Foundation's Insider magazine, meets a guy in a bar who horribly insults her.
The nerve of his eyebrows, reacting to Mary Katherine's employment that way! Anyway, it turns out that he is a Democrat. She, of course, is a God-fearing Republican, so they are complete opposites. The sparks fly, just like between Sam and Diane on "Cheers."
You can imagine Mary Katherine's outrage, because she does NOT need any special breaks, like equal pay for equal work, just because she is female. No, she wants the RICH to get the special breaks, so when she moves to the upper class, she will be able to crush the little people (see Jonah, above).
Are you as turned on as she is? Everything is going badly for Kerry. First, the Republican convention was perfect. Then, he criticized Dick Cheney's deferments -- thus offending middle-aged, privileged guys who had other priorities in the war and who are now Vice President, a key demographic group. And then Bill Clinton upstaged Kerry by arranging to have heart blockage just a couple of months before the election. Kerry should just concede to Bush right now.
Um, Kathleen, the joke was "W stands for Women." Which is pretty funny, I have to admit. Well, that was impressive. But let's see what the Renew America team has to offer 8:18:04 AM ![]() |
The Renew America ChallengersJen, still leading her crusade against the 8th grade social studies book that covers Islam as part of the World Religions section, makes a citizen's arrest of California's school districts.
The Islamists have demonstrated a pattern of bombing the World Trade Center? Why wasn't I told about this?
Then obviously we've been dealing with them all wrong -- we should have taken away their cigarettes, prohibited them from singing and dancing to jazzy Bernstein scores, and appointed an international Officer Krupke to bring them in. And not only are our school districts guilty of aiding street gangs, our teachers are terrorists.
And if people like Annie Jacobsen are terrified of Moslems, then under their own law, California's teachers are guilty of terrorism for teaching kids about Islam. Prosecuting them should keep John Ashcroft busy until after the election. But Judson can top Jen's accusations, for, as the title of his column proclaims, "My college supports treason and terrorism!"
I guess he got kicked out of Liberty University for blaming his mother for that conservative dating scam. But I wonder why he chose Lees McRae instead of Harvard or Stanford? Anyway, Judson says he knew going in that his new school, being a school, would be liberal, and therefore, anti-capitalist and anti-American -- and he's this confirmed already, despite being in class for only a week. But what he didn't expect was that his college would be using his tuition money to support terrorism!
Let's follow Judson's logic: Michael Moore made a movie which Hezbollah has allegedly offered to distribute in Muslim countries, reportedly because Hezbollah hates Bush. This means that Moore provided "aid and comfort to our enemies," which is treason. So, by showing Moore's movie, Lees McRae college is guilty of terrorism and treason -- just like how is guilty of genocide for selling Wagner CDs, since Hitler was a big fan of Wagner's music.
Wow, that's the best excuse yet I've heard for dropping out of college after realizing that one can't cut it.
You know, in the year I've been following his work, I haven't yet heard somebody from his generation claim that he's both popular and influential.
But I do agree that his work is frequently "laugh out loud" funny -- I just don't know if I'm laughing at the parts he intended to be humerous. Carey uses the dismissal of the case against Kobe Bryant to talk about (other) false rape charges.
The study which Carey cites to show that false rape charges are common, also shows that none of the men falsely charged were convicted of rape -- and, in fact, these men were only suspects for day or two before the women recanted their claims. So, using the information Carey provided, it's obvious that there is no comparison between what the victim of a false accusation suffers compared to what a rape victim does, and only a complete moron would claim that making a false rape accusation is just as bad as raping someone. (Of course, men actually have gone to jail because of false rape claims -- and in these cases, the women should be prosecuted. But more commonly, women who have actually been raped rely on the police to find their assailants, and the police and prosecution have identified the wrong person, and men have spent years in prison for crimes they didn't commit -- which is a horrible miscarriage of justice, and those men are indeed victims deserving of our sympathy. But since Carey chose a study where nobody was greatly inconvenienced by the false rape charges so he could claim, "One study found that 41% of women who had reported rape to the police later admitted the allegation was false," then he should have to make his point, using the data from that study, about why making a false accusation is as terrible as rape.)
It's a good thing that Carey is not part of the dating scene these days if he thinks that most instances of non-marital intercourse involve physical force or coercion (which is defined as "compulsion by force or threat"). And that's our Renew America demonstration for today. I think it's pretty clear that Michelle Malkin would be more at home playing on their team than Townhall, and that if she switched sides, Renew America would win the wingnuttery championship hands down. 5:56:00 AM |
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