All For an Unbelievably Low Price!The new edition of Virtual Occoquan, featuring the best of the Salon blogs, just came out. Check out such entertaining features as Ugly Governor Resigns - Steve Raker (his truth was that he was an ugly American) Remote Acceptability - Leslie Talbot (Leslie gets a super cool universal remote, and then learns that women are only supposed to buy stuff 'cause it's pretty) Zell's Big Night - Mark Hoback (Mark gives us a glimpse into the future, as he reveals the big suprise of the Republican conventon) And MANY MORE! Act now. Operators are standing by. 6:02:06 AM ![]() |
Various Wingnuttery1. First, here's James Taranto, back from vacation and making up for his time away by being twice as obtuse:
Yes, McCreevey resigned because the Democrats are pro-adultery and antigay. Good one, James. 2. From a CNS "special report" (also picked up by NewsMax) about "fourth generation warfare", which is apparently "a type of warfare where the decentralization is so great that you have lots of people who have sympathy with the other side who just on a given day decide to do something and it may be something very small like the kind of thing that you are seeing in the so-called probing attacks."
Well, if passengers "like Jacobsen" were left feeling as though they had been terrorized, then obviously something terroristy was going on even if the anti-terrorism analysts working for the government say that the incident had nothing to do with terrorism. Yup, it was probably "fourth generation terrorism," where one day a bunch of Syrian musicians decide to eat at McDonalds to show their support for al Qaeda. 3. And speaking of Annie, she has managed to eke out ANOTHER article from her terror -- this one is an interview with a fellow ninny who was on the flight and who is looking for some attention, one Billie Jo (possibly Billy Jo Bradley, one of the daughters who bathed in the town's water supply on "Petticoat Junction"). Jesse of Pandagon examined the piece, with hilarious results. But Billy Jo is pretty funny all by herself:
They all wore match jackets to further the pretense that they didn't know each other.
Gentle reader, if you have ever pretended to be asleep to avoid having to talk to the annoying person seated next to you, then YOU are probably a terrorist and should report to Gitmo immediately. 4. Allow me to present a fun, new wingnut from Alan Keyes' Renew America, one A. M. Siriano.
How long was Mr. Siriano husband to the other wives? Maybe we'll find out in future columns -- but this one is about John Kerry, a traitor just like Arnold Benedict.
Okay, I admit that I just included that part for the love of Ted. Let's skip to where A.M. really starts to froth at the mouth:
Yup, dissent is one of the traitor's most cunning disguises.
And that's why we shouldn't vote for Kerry -- so we don't have to explain to the children that in America even people who disagreed with American policy in the '60s and '70s can become President.
So, the solution is to never wake up. Thank heavens the Swift Boat Vets are helping us with that. 5:14:33 AM ![]() |
Is Ann Coulter a Nutcase?The civilized Brits, who happily have nothing like her in their country, try to figure her out.
A lot of people besides Ann should be ashamed of that.
That's our Ann!
You don't, of course. The best way to talk to someone like that is to hit them in the head with a baseball bat. Okay, that's actually what Ann said was her preferred M.O. for dealing with liberals, but turnabout is fair play.
Various chemicals, some legal and some illegal -- or so it is alleged.
No, it's probably the drugs. Or maybe the unholy alliance she made with Satan.
She doesn't have to worry about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, anti-government nuts, and their ilk, because they've accepted her as one of their own.
The interviewer apparently never read any of her books or articles, or watched her on those TV shows cited in the first paragraph, if this "side of Ann Coulter" comes as a surprise.
Ann has won another argument with a liberal.
Well, to be fair, if Ann Coulter had been brought up Muslim, she probably would cut the throats of liberal British interviewers and then kill all the Jews. You know, since I can see her doing stuff like that, no matter what religion she was raised in.
Yes, that's scarier than Ann herself. But IMHO, she isn't crazy so much as evil. She knows what she has to say in order to keep her popularity with that segment of the American populace that buys her books, and she keeps doing it, for the fame, power, and money it brings. As she continues to age, and she can't keep up the "rightwing babe" shtick, watch her become even more extreme in her opinions in an attempt to hang on to her following, until she's left with accusing her opponents of necrophilia and incest, and advocating a "final solution" for liberals.
If that were the case, Ann really would be a nutcase -- but I still think she's just a liar. Still, just to be safe, I think she should be institutionalized and administered shock therapy until she sounds sane. 3:48:31 AM |
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