All Gold Family CircusJeffy, wearing a new purple striped shirt, is sitting a few inches away from the family's big screen TV. On the TV, we see a puffy-haired, big chinned, blond person with an arm extended in victory. He (or she -- it's sometimes hard to tell with these athletes from the Soviet countries) has a gold medal around his neck. A blue woman is preparing to him a bouquet. One-nostriled, bucket-mouthed Billy looks at us and says, "Is that medal all gold or does it have chocolate inside?" Analysis and Prediction: Today Jeffy is Ben Shapiro. By implying that the gold medal is just tinfoil wrapped chocolate, Jeffy (Ben) is reiterating his claim that we only care about the Olympics "because we want to watch American athletes beat the snot out of everyone else" -- and since we aren't allowed to actually commit assault and battery on the other athletes, the medals are meaningless these days. Jeffy (Ben) also reminds us of the "vicious, homicidal, perverted, degraded, dysfunctional, inbred group of mongrels" who make up the family of nations by referencing the vicious, homicidal, perverted, degraded, dysfunctional, inbred group of mongrels who make up this own family. So, basically, Jeffy is saying that when John Kerry wins the medal (presidency), Jeffy-Ben will try to secede from a world which includes big-chinned, puffy-haired blond guys, because they make him doubt his masculinity. Or is that what this cartoon really means? Alison and Pete offer different perspectives on it. First, let's hear from Alison:
Now, here's Pete, with a more personal view:
But is this what this cartoon actually means. We're waiting for YOUR views. 6:01:27 AM ![]() |
Song of the SouthToday I thought it might be nice to salute our Southern wingnuts -- for all they do for us. I got the idea after reading an Arkansas News story called "Fort Smith area delegates prepare for GOP convention." Here are my favorite passages:
It was mighty brave of Jenkins to volunteer to subject himself to the same risks faced daily by the inhabitants of New York. But hey, he's glad to do it for Bush and country.
You know, those southern roots typified by Bush's having been born in New Haven, Connecticut, scion of a wealthy East Coast family with tradional WASP southern values, and by having attended those southern institutes of higher learning, Yale and Harvard.
And I don't see how one can claim to be Christian and then presume to judge the Christianity of others -- but I guess that's just me. But of course, the real question posed by Grubb's remarks is: a Republican luncheon featuring Ann Coulter??? So, I did some googling and found the answer:
So, another convention where Ann will be the only pretty girl. It must be so hard being her. Anyway, not long after reading the article about the Fort Smith delegates, I came across a WorldNetDaily piece called "Time to secede, again?" While the title calls to mind the Dark Window exposé "One Nation Indivisible with Liberty and No Homos for All," it turns out that this is a difference secessionist group: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ... I mean, the League of the South.
Uh, right -- the group is just about achieving Southern well being, through honorable means. But just for fun, let's go to the group's website and read some of Mr. Hill's Position Papers. First, from the group's "Statement of Purpose":
So, they believe in removing the division between church and state. They want to elimate public schools, keep the brown skinned foreigners from immigrating to their nation, do away with welfare, appoint judges who wouldn't vote for abortion and gay marriage, oppose "the New World Order," and return to the days of segregation. No, they're not nutty at all. Here are more of their positions:
And from a paper Hill wrote about the D.C. snipers:
Anyway, the League has been in the news this month for endorsing Constitutional presidential candidate Michael "Family Values" Peroutka; for holding a "Ten Commandments" rally (Rally backs Ten Commandments display --... Ray McBerry of McDonough, state chairman of the League of the South, said his group staged the event to show support for the Henry and Barrow County ... ); for infiltrating the leadership of the Sons of Confederate Veterans group (IN THE THICK OF IT--... leadership has become involved with contemporary political organizations that do not represent Southern heritage, specifically the League of the South); and for organizing "The Southern National Congress."
Yes. Yes, it does. From a 2001 Jacksonville Times-Union article:
And here are some statements from a 2000 Sun Herald piece:
Yes, Hill belives in seceding from the union to form a Christian state where whites run the schools and the neighborhoods, and can keep blacks out of them. So, you can see why Farah would want to give Hill some air time on his radio program. Anyway, that's probably enough Southern wingnuttiness for one day. In any case, I hope Donald Jenkins isn't killed by Islamic terrorists while in New York, and that Wendall Grubb has a lovely time on the Green with Ann Coulter. 2:51:19 AM ![]() |
When Bush Supporters Get ScaredHere's talk radio guy Neal Boortz with a Townhall column entitled "Dear Kerry supporter":
Thanks, Neal. That's the same spirit that compels me to address your column.
Yes, they have. I was taken ill. I got a notice from the state tax comission saying that I figured my taxes wrong and owe them more money. Plus, all those columns about the "devastating" message of the Swift Boat Vets are starting to get on my nerves. Thanks for noticing.
What would really cheer me up would be if you would let me hit you in the face with a cream pie. Are you game, Neal? I will be so disappointed if I learn your concern about my emotional state was just a gimmick for a Kerry-bashing column.
Personally, I want to be protected from the actions of ALL terrorists.
Well, I would like to see the results of my hard work used to also benefit other deserving Americans, and it appears that you don't. So, I guess we're not all in this thing together.
Neal, have you ever wondered why everyone around you seems to be in pain? Did you ever think that maybe you could be responsible for some of that suffering? I can't be the first to call you a pain in the backside, can I?
Um, no. I have no idea why you would think that. Unless you're projecting, of course.
As I've said before, what I don't like about Bush is the crummy job he's done as President. The arrogance, smirking, and election stealing are just cherries on the incompetence sundae.
What I beginning to learn is that the Bush backers are getting so worried about their candidate's chances that they're writing stupid columns like this.
I appreciate your dedication to your car analogy, but what the heck does this last line mean?
Neal, I am in no position to throw stones at typos, but I didn't write a bio that contains lines like, "Law school finally presented a challenge worthy of my attention, so I worked at it and graduated near the top of my class." Therefore, I feel no qualms in pointing out that you should have said "your convention," not "you're." Oh, and it wasn't my convention, the mysterious "they" haven't issued a bunch of revisions, and I can keep up just fine.
Hell, no!
Neal, honey, I think it's obvious that it's YOU and your compadres who wanted a Hillary. Come on, be a man and admit it instead of writing a sappy, patronizing column to a Kerry supporter that exists only in your imagination.
LOL. So, what Neal is saying is that he believes that Kerry is going to win the election and the one after that -- and then in 2012, Edwards will have a good shot at the presidency. But because all Democrats really want Hillary for President, not Kerry, they need to vote for Bush this year, in order to give Hillary a shot in 2008. And Neal is just telling us this to help us out. I have to admire the creativity of this desperate ploy of Neal's to get people to vote for Bush, even though it's pretty hilarious.
No, not at all. You have looked into my heart and discovered my secret desire to own a Hillary. So, rest assured, I will vote for Bush this November in order to help my dream candidate. Tell Bush that he can stop campaigning now, because the presidency in the bag, thanks to you. 2:13:27 AM |
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