In Other News . . .The Rittenhouse Review asks a good question: with all the right-wing whining about how "foreigny" and "eccentric" Teresa Heinz Kerry is, how come nobody is talking about how "all-American average" Elizabeth Edwards is? Well, I did see one piece that mentioned that women admire "pretty boy" Edwards for sticking with his wife even though she gained weight, but the author somehow made it seem like he did it only for the political points it bought him. Other than that, everybody on the right seems to pretend she doesn't exist -- probably because she seems so nice and normal. In any case, if I had to pick someone to hang out with for a day, I'd pick Elizabeth over Laura Bush any day. Elizabeth seems REAL, while Laura seems like she went away several years ago and hasn't came back. And Lynne Cheney is NOT a nice woman, as we all know. Oh, and speaking of Philadelphia bloggers, Mildred has decided to join the fun: Bulldogs for Kerry-Edwards. She is definitely the best bulldog political blogger I've run across! And, in the interest of equal time, here's a message from a cat: Thanks to Anntichrist S. Coulter for passing this along -- I (and she) don't know who to credit for it, but thanks, nameless kitten, for sharing your message with the voters. 6:00:18 AM ![]() |
A Holiday Classic, Like "It's the Great Pumpkin, Georgie Bush"In response to requests that I provide some content about how one should stone the young heathens who come to your house begging for candy on Satan's day, here is a rerun from last year. (I don't know if the links still work, but it's likely that they do, per Scott McClellan.) So, read this while I go looking for some current stories about how to ruin Halloween. ********** Halloween: a night of innocent fun for children, or a Satanic Celebration of Demons, Ritual Sex, and Snickers treat-sized bars? To find out, I went to CBN's Halloween page. (As you know, the Christian Broadcasting Network is the home of Pat Robertson and "The 700 Club," which represents the collective IQs of its members.) There I learned that Halloween is indeed evil and unholy and evil. Since the holiday and many of its traditions originated with the pagans (and pagans = Satanists), everybody agrees that Christians shouldn't dress up like vampires, Sponge Bob, or George Bush and go trick-or-treating. However, there is a difference of opinion about whether you should take the family to the basement and spend the evening praying that the demons don't get you; take the kids to the church and let them dress up like John Calvin; or use the holiday to try to save the souls of the sinners' kids. Here are some of the varied viewpoints: In Avenging Monsters: The Origins of Horror Fiction Charles Colson reports on a book by one E. Michael Jones, who says that horror movies reflect sexual decadence, and so presumably you shouldn't let your children watch "Casper the Friendly Ghost." Per Jones, Percy Shelley was a libertine who made his second wife Mary sleep with his friends. She got tired of it, but she couldn't relieve her conscience "because she didn’t understand repentance." So, she wrote Frankenstein. Dr. Frankenstein represents Percy, who wanted to create an "enlightenment sexual ethic," but his creation turns out to be a monster that hangs out with the wolfman and terrorizes Abbott and Costello, thus showing that violating traditional sexual mores causes angry, torch-carrying villagers to burn down your castle. And thus was the horror film born, a hundred years later. And Dracula is really the story of syphilis -- which, as we all know, renders those who suffer from it unable to cast a reflection in a mirror, but which can be prevented by wearing a crucifix. But even more horrifying:
Yeah, tell them all about wife swapping, syphilis, and suction abortions -- that will tramautize them WAY more than even Texas Chain Saw Massacres would. Your neighbors will thank you for enlightening their children this way. Another guest columnist, John Fischer, agrees that Halloween is evil, and sees why many Christians boycott it:
But instead of telling the "three-year old who comes to your door in a fireman suit" that Satan is real and the kid is now in his power, Fischer recommends just giving him some candy, to show that you're part of the community. Which sounds reasonable. And which is why several other people had to ammend the idea by advocating giving the kids Christian tracts instead of sweets (some say to give them both, knowing that just giving tracts is a sure way to get your house egged). And there are links to Gospel Shop, which supplies bulk lots of pamplets, to include the following:
And so on, so you'd better repent now! And here's one the kiddies are sure to enjoy much more than a bag of Skittles:
"I got a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup. What did YOU get, Charlie Brown?" "I got a tract about heaven." Yup, all kinds of holiday fun. And if you don't like those messages, go to Joshua Outreach Group for "Halloween Outreach" cards to hand out to the kiddies ("Handing out the cards is half the battle. Now comes the other half. Believe that God has heard our prayers for the lost souls."). My favorites were one which "challenges evolution" and another one which has "a powerful testimony of a woman deeply involved in witchcraft and the occult." But what if you want to avoid the whole Halloween thing altogether? Brad Winsted has some super fun ideas (Reformation Day - Redeeming October 31) which I'm sure that Rod and Todd Flanders will love even more than staying home and playing the Good Samaratin board game ("I get to clothe the leper." "Lucky!):
I can hardly wait! But here are some comments from CBN viewers, who have varied reactions to the article about reaching out to the sinners ( Reaching Out vs Steering Clear of the Lost at Halloween):
But he makes a traditional Halloween sound so fun! In conclusion, I recommend that you do as the CBN says, and read through the various ideas presented, and then "prayerfully decide what is the correct response for your family." And if it's naked dancing, give me a call, okay? 2:00:38 AM ![]() |
Who Said It?First, the answer to yesterday's "Who Said It" Yes, it was Ann "Hemorrhaging Brain Cells Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship" Coulter, in her lastest column, "40 excuses and a mule." But clearly, she has been studying the work of Doug Giles. In fact, if Doug is telling the truth about her being on his Clash Radio program a while ago, she might very well have stolen some of his Clash Points while she was there. Maybe she's even pregnant with his child!!! Okay, that's even so far out that even Scott McClellan would say it's not likely. So, who said THIS:
Hint: it's the same person who, a few days ago said:
Okay, that wasn't too hard. So, for extra credit, who said this:
Hint: her initials are "JS," although the spelling of the name may change from time to time. 1:35:16 AM |
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