You Blog 15 Tons and What Do You Get?Another Year Older and Deeper In Debt, of course. Yes, today is our friend Pete M's birthday. Go over to The Dark Window and wish him a happy birthday (that way you won't have to send him a card or buy him a present). Plus, today he's conducting a literary appreciation class with Ex-Judge Roy Moore's best poem, and he also finds his special purpose. So, Happy Birthday, Pete, you lascivious guttersnipe, you. And don't eat the girl in the cake -- she's just for decorative purposes 9:11:19 AM ![]() |
CNS Scoops the World!Wow, CyberSex News (CNS), Brent Bozell's outfit, has obtained photocopied documents proving that Saddam did have WMDs, was in league with al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, and that John Kerry personally forged those Dan Rather documents! This is such big news that I think we should just eliminate the election and declare Bush President for Life! Or rather, lets look at just a few of the points which point to these documents being rank forgeries.
These are the documents which prove everything that Laurie has claimed (except that Iraq was behind 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing) -- proof right there that they are bogus. They were apparently all together in a file marked "Super Duper Top Secret /Do NOT Allow to Fall Into the Hands of the Great Satan, As This Could Ruin Everything." Okay, I made up that classification, but no intelligence service I know keeps all their highly incrimindating documents on a wide variety of topics in one handy file -- especially not documents like "a list of terrorist groups with whom Iraq had relationships and considered available for terror operations against the United States." A document like that is just too good to be true --proof that it isn't true, IMHO. And if they are everything CNS claims, why hasn't Dick Cheney waved them in everybody's face? Well, per the source, nobody knows about them but him.
Okay, let's say you're a senior government official who found THE smoking gun which will prove everything that Dick Cheney has claimed, and everything he has secretly believed and been unable to get the damned CIA and State Dept. to prove. Instead of bringing these documents to your superiors at your government agency, like you are required to do (which would help your career immensely), or even taking them directly to the White House (which would probably get you an ambassadorship or something), you decide to go to the media, because you're really concerned about national security. (Not concerned enough to obey the security regulations you are bound by, of course, but concerned enough to not want the documents to be used politically.) So, what media outfit do you take them to? CBS? CNN? The New York Times? Fox News? No, you go to CNS -- which has all the credibility of that guy who thinks the KGB is sending him secret messages through the static on his radio, and all the prestige of the free want-ads paper. Oh, and a national readership of about 50. Which means that (a) you're trying to pull off a hoax, and realized that only a rinky-dink outfit like CNS would fall for it; or (B) You're an incredibly stupid senior agency official who has been duped by documents planted by somebody else -- stupid enough to also believe that CNS is a legitimate news service. Either way, the way the records came to light would make even the most credulous doubt their authenticity. So, how did CNS authenticate them? Well they asked a panel of experts consisting of crackpot Laurie Mylroie, a long-retired CIA guy who is now something of a crank, and an unnamed former UNSCOM inspector, to look at them.
Which is how any forger would work -- use the format and style of a genuine document. But here are the specifics that these experts were willing to commit themselves to:
So, they look like available, unclassified Iraqi documents, and they were purportedly signed by real Iraqi officials. That's it for authentication. Oh, and they make sense to Laurie.
If they prove that Saddam was doing what Laurie thinks he was, then there is something wrong with them, since she's crazy. But can YOU look at them for yourself, and make up your own mind? Sadly, no (to coin a phrase). Because you might make up stuff about their kerning or type face or something.
Well, "Credentialed journalists and counter-terrorism experts seeking to view the 42 pages of Arabic documents or to challenge their authenticity may make arrangements to do so." I imagine some of them will. I give them 2 weeks to prove the documents are forgeries. But until then, the Corner, Hugh Hewitt, InstaPundit, and all the other members of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders® (a registered trademark ofTBogg News Service) can say, "These documents, if true, prove that we were right all along, so let's assume they are true, and say, like Nelson Munz, HA ha!" 8:46:32 AM ![]() |
It All Comes Down to Sex HormonesYes, the baldest guy always wins the debate, per this NRO piece entitled The Testosterone Test: Boy Edwards vs. Manly Cheney.The author, Steven E. Rhoads, author of Taking Sex Differences Seriously, claims that women, who are genetically risk aversive and generally stupid, are biologically programmed to be scared of Arabs on planes carrying McDonalds sacks. They naturally fear that Chechen rebels are going to kill their kids, so they want a man who seems gruff and mean to lead the country -- that's why they all go around singing, "I want, I want, I want Dick Cheney in charge of me." See, women think Dick is much more manly than John Edwards or John Kerry (or George Bush), since having male hormones is what leadership is all about. And besides, Kerry seems henpicked, and nobody wants THAT in a leader.
Kerry should do what Bush said he tries to do to the twins -- keep her on a leash. And maybe beat her in front of an audience, to prove that he IS the head of his family, and a macho kind of guy.
And we should only vote for the steroid-enhanced kind of good-looking men, because only they have the testosterone necessary for leadership. Geez, Edwards isn't accused of groping even one woman, proof right there that he doesn't have the balls needed in wartime.
Everybody wants a "happy warrior" for President -- somebody who can commit genocide with a smile!
Men who reek of gravitas are so sexy that I want to have their babies and award no-bid contracts to their major corporations!
Who would YOU prefer as President in a time of crisis:
And for voters who want intelligence, competence, and somebody who doesn't think that Rambo is a positive Presidential role model, Edwards may very well carry the day. 7:34:31 AM ![]() |
A Few Pre-Debate ItemsFirst, let's review what Karen Hughes told the Wash Post:
A confidential source told us that Karen said that during tonight's debate, Dick Cheney will be answering John Edwards with his butt.
Yes, I thought it really helped Dick's image when he played Twister with Bill and Ted -- you know, it showed him as a FUN dark specter. And taking a cue from USA Today, here's a handy chart to help you tell the candidates apart during the debate.
5:32:01 AM |
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