Mini Carnival of the Wingnuts1. Let's start with a former Ms. Dark Window, Tamara Wilhite, who cites expert testimony on the terrorist threat we all face:
Per Tamara, our options are to arm everybody (thank God that ban on assault weapons ends next week!), and then gun down "Mohammed and Omar" when they start shooting our populace.
And to do that, we stop acting like white blood cells and start acting like medieval surgeons -- we bleed our country with leeches, under the theory that our problem is too much freedom.
Living in a totalitarian state will be fun!
No need for trials or due process -- if the police identify them as criminals, they should be locked up, for the good of society.
But only on sufferance.
Sadly, despite her efforts to be even loonier than an Ann Coulter/Michelle Malkin Thing With Two Heads experiment gone terribly wrong (reportedly, Mengele was working on this project near the end of the war), Tamara doesn't have the hair or legs necessary to be the next right-wing psycho bimbo. 2. Now, let's see what's new with our friend Pastor Joseph Grant Swank, the hardest working man in wingnuttery. Well, since we last checked on him a couple of days ago, he's come out with two new columns: Pansy Pacifists Led By John F. Kerry Would Sell Our America and The Spiritual Difference Between Bush And Kerry. Here's a representative paragraph from the first:
Let's pass over the fact that pansies don't grow on vines, and look at the key points from the pastor's column from yesterday:
But let that pastor who writes for feel free to call Kerry a horrible Catholic heathen without recognizing any incongruity whatsoever.
This is the point where we look at Pastor Swank's bio, to see there's something (like being a recent immigrant from Elbonia, or being frequently dropped on the head as a child) to explain his lack of facility with the language and really stupid ideas.
So, apparently he's not writing columns as part of some wingut Special Olympics event.
Therefore, he's not the younger version of Kyle Williams (whose folly can be explained by the fact that he's only 15, and apparently never gets to leave the house).
Hmm, he's possibly from Alberta -- however, that isn't enough to explain his mangling of the English language.
Okay, that's just as inexplicable as his columns! 3. So let's move on to the latest by Frank Gaffney. It's about how the investigation (and reporting on the investigation) of possible espionage at the Pentagon is anti-Semitic, and probably a sign that the FBI is now working for Iran.
But here's a graph from a WashPost story from last week, just for fun:
But back to Frank:
Funny, Dick Cheney doesn't look Jewish.
Because if they are investigating prior to filing charges and presenting evidence, then it must mean that something is terribly wrong at the FBI.
Wait, is Frank saying that the Sikhs are behind all this?
So, the FBI has been meeting with various constituencies, including Muslim-Americans, and representatives from these Muslim-American groups may sympathize with Islamist causes? I am shocked, SHOCKED! Clearly, Robert Mueller is an Iranian agent, and the Bureau is persecuting Jews at his direction. They should be disbanded NOW, before they can frame somebody from the Jewish Vice President's office for leaking info to the Jewish Robert Novak. 7:47:15 AM ![]() |
Typeface Gate!As the NY Times reveals, all the font analysis in the world is never going to resolve whether the Killian memos are forgeries or not.
It's been proven that there were typewriters in the '70s which could do all the stuff which the critics use to claim show that the documents had to have been created on a word processor. But nobody can prove that these documents were or weren't typed on one of the IBN Selectrics (such as the "Composer," which the Air Force had reportedly service tested in 1969) available at the time which had "proportional font" and "th" keys and the rest. So, what else does CBS have (besides expert handwriting analysis)?
Countering that are Killian's widow and son.
An officer who was being pressured to give evaluations which he felt were not justified might very well do such a thing. Writing MFRs (Memorandums for the Record) is a time-honored way for government employees to record, "for the file," information which they feel is being swept under the carpet by the powers that be. I've written such memos myself, and I can assure you that my family knows nothing about them or the file into which they were placed. So, I'd give a lot more weight to Killian's colleagues than I would his family on a matter like this. Also, Fox News had William Campenni (the guy who served in the same unit as Bush in the early '70s, and who wrote the letter touted by Ed Gillespie as proving that Bush actually existed back then) on the Brit Hume show this evening. Campenni was brought on to give his opinion that the Colonel wouldn't have routinely written a memo ordering a pilot to show up for his physical, because pilots usually had until the end of their birth month to get checked out -- which for Bush would have been a couple of months after the date on the memo -- and they took said exam without needing a special order to do so. Campenni added that drug and alcohol screening also wasn't routine in 1972, and was only done when requested by a commanding officer who had reason to suspect there was a problem. So, Fox News is making it sound like Col. Killian had reason to suspect that George Bush was using drugs (or seriously abusing alcohol) in 1972, and so he specifically ordered the young officer to show up for a physical which would have included special screening for alcohol and/or drugs. And Bush refused to obey that order. And then George was whisked out of state by his family. And he was later given permission to serve in a non-flying unit in Alabama (even though he had signed a commitment to serve his country as a pilot, in recognition of the fact that it had invested thousands and thousands of dollars training him to fly planes), all so it wouldn't come out that George had a drug problem. But he didn't even bother to show up to read the magazines (or whatever other cushy made-up work they arranged for him in Alabama) during the time he was there, because a commitment to his country meant so little to him at the time. And then associates of his family put pressure on George's superiors to write up undeserved performance ratings for him, showing their contempt for honorable military service. And then most of the records which could embarrass him were illegally destroyed in the past decade or so, in order to help George's political prospects, because his career is more important than the law or the truth. Pretty damning stuff, which I never would have suspected without Fox News' efforts to discredit the memos. (Because, as even the White House said, the stuff about Bush basically bailing on the last couple of years of his National Guard service is old news.) Thanks, Fox News! 12:23:25 AM |
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