Our Category is 'Potpourri'1. David E. asks the hypothetical question, "Do you think that ever, even once, in a boardroom somewhere, someone floated the idea of making a Passion of the Christ game for Playstation?" (Another hypothetical for you: is it a two-player game?) 2. I'm Just Sayin' presents, "as a public service to those of you who weren't able to sit through all 62 excruciating minutes of Bush's RNC acceptance speech," a link to the “essential” 2:54. 3. We have added Uncle Horn Head to the blogroll. Just because. 4. Frederick, who fights crime by day and blogs at BeatBushBlog by night (or vice versa) writes:
I think it's a GREAT idea! I already have my first entry ready:
Now, back to Frederick:
Yes, I love this idea. Be watching for "I Da 'Ho'" being exposed on the pages of Wonkette any day now. 5. Today is my birthday. 6:56:17 AM ![]() |
This Week In Jenna/NotJennaIt's the weekend. Time to check up on the Bush twins. 1. Well, this week they've been meeting Young Republicans in Iowa. On Thursday they visited three campuses, and spoke briefly to groups of about 100 or so at each site. The events were by invitation only, and closed to the press. Per one college paper report, "Only Republican students who had signed up before Thursday and were on the list were able to get in with photo identification." Because after that fiasco at the convention, the campaign can't afford to have the press or anybody who hasn't taken a loyalty oath to hear the girls speak. And what did Jenna and NotJenna tell the young faithful? Reportedly, that their Dad was a normal person and so everybody should vote for him. But Jenna also offered a personal, individual message to some of the students she met. In Ames :
In Iowa City:
And in Cedar Falls:
Yes, in the real world, you have to work! (Unless you're a heiress, of course.) And working really cuts down on your partying time. So stay in college -- stay there forever! 2. But now that the twins are out of college, they will be serving their country, their mother told the Duluth News Tribune. In Iraq? Um, probably not.
So, while Jenna and NotJenna won't be actually be fighting in their father's war, they will demonstrate their feeling of responsibility to their country (the United States, btw) by working as pediatric doctors, inner city school teachers, and fashion models. Therefore, George and Laura can relate to that woman who has three sons in Iraq. 3. Anyway, back to Beavis and NotBeavis's convention speech, because John R. Guardiano has a piece in the National Review Online that explains that everybody who criticized it just wasn't cool enough to get it.
Oh, so it was a takeoff of Clueless! Of course! (And why did I ever think that Jenna has blonde hair? I am such an idiot!)
Well, now it's obvious!
Well, this is where your movie analogy falls apart, John. Sorry, but I'm back to believing that while the speech was clueless, it had nothing to do with the movie. But nice attempt at getting into Jenna's pants. (Or is it Karen Hughes you're interested in?) But John goes on to explain that the problem was that everybody but him was too old to understand the clever humor the twins employed.
What Howie probably meant was that it was a sick joke to try to make us think about Barbara Bush ever having sex.
So, Jenna was actually talking about some new cult television program popular among the cognoscenti? I now see I was so wrong to think that her remark was stupid and unfunny. Thanks, John, for sharing your hipness with us old fogies who don't own TVs. 4. As you might recall, the big punchline of the girls' speech was, "We kept trying to explain to my dad that when we were young and irresponsible, well, we were young and irresponsible!" And now that dancing on tables and puking in allies has become fashionable, guess who's part of the craze?
Yes, America's Worst Mother™ (a registered trademark of Jenna & NotJenna, Inc.)! So, I suggest that you check out (if you already haven't) Tales of ordinary drunkenness, one of TBogg's best ever retellings of one of Meghan's charming tales, about how her neighbors are all contemptible jerks, while she is a much better parent than you. This time she demonstrates her superiority by teaching the sprouts (Anomie, Chardonay, Miasma, and Blotto) that while it's good sport to mock the drunken neighbor as he dies of alcohol poisoning in the backyard, we should also have compassion on the comical foreign sot and not report him to his embassy. No, we should just use him as for fodder for our NRO column -- it's like publicly exposing his shame, except that nobody reads "Fever Swamp," so it's really not. 5:06:25 AM |
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