Some Questions for Lynne
Is the Bush-Cheney campaign indicating a belief in reincarnation here? Or are they saying that for many of us, this is the last election we'll ever know?
So, what questions would YOU like to ask Lynne. I think there should be some about her novel Sisters ("The novel of a strong and beautiful woman who broke all the rules of the American frontier... "). Read some of the Amazon reader reviews for some ideas. Or go here, where a public-spirited netizen is posting chapters from the book. We're up to chapter 6 now -- here's a portion from where a balding but handsome young reporter causes Sophie to flashback to her days as an actress:
Anyway, I'm sure there are many questions that we all have for Mrs. Dick Cheney. 6:50:19 AM ![]() |
Vote Republican or Fry in HellDoug Giles' column for the week is entitled Energizing Evangeli-fish to Vote. In it, Doug uses ridicule, taunts, and threats of eternal damnation in an effort to get Christians to vote for Bush.
See, being an evangelical gives one a heavenly assurance of George Bush's divinity -- so if you claim to be born again and then fail to vote for Our Lord Dubya then you have sinned against the Holy Ghost. (And if Al Gore almost played Frankenstein around the White House, what is George Bush playing: the Teen-aged Werewolf or an Incredibly Strange Creature Who Stopped Living and Became a Mixed-Up Zombie?)
No, it was more that I thought that George wasn't qualified for the job, so I voted for the better candidate. But thanks for asking -- it sounds like that Lumberjack Slam/violent gas thing was taken from personal experience, right?
Maybe I'm just not as tuned-in to the popular culture as Doug, but why would dirty church politics make Bush and Kerry seem like Paris and Nicole? I know that Paris had that sex video, and that Nicole was convicted of heroin possession -- so is Doug saying that the Baptist church has a video of Bush having sex with an old girlfriend, and that Kerry is addicted to communion wafers? Or what? I really don't get this one. Oh, and maybe I have my priorities out of whack, but if the ecclesiastic circles that Doug travels in as are corrupt as he says, shouldn't his first priority as a pastor be to clean them up? You know, get his own house in order before he does Karl Rove's bidding?
Gee, I DID go to church, but now that I know how dirty it all is, I'm having second thoughts. Thanks, Doug!
From an interview with Mr. J. Christ:
Next time: Doug tells the Evangeli-fish that they damned will better vote for an imperfect Bush or Doug will smack them upside the head.
Okay, Doug. Although I'm not an evangelical (and find that "Evangeli-fish" thing really stupid), I will answer your questions, because you asked so nicely, if you will answer mine.
I'm not sure if I understand the question. Are you saying that if I like not living, I should vote for Bush? Or is your point that Bush has eliminated all my concerns about terrorism, so I should give him another term just like the last one, during which terrorism wasn't a problem at all? Or is this a Mafia protection racket question: "Nice country you got here -- be a shame if you voted for the wrong candidate and it got blown up?" So, I guess my answer is going to have to be, "What's it to you?"
Maybe, maybe not. It would depend on whether these wannabes have their stuff together enough to be an actual a threat to the world, or are just Republicans (that was a JOKE, Doug). And it depends on who is going to do the dethroning. And do we have a realistic, well-thought out plan for what happened to the other nation after the wannabe is removed? And hey, who gets to decide if just who is a Hitler wannabe: me or the guy who decided that Saddam had WMDs?
The roots of the luscious tree of America? Sure! Tell me, which candidate is planning on hacking at those roots, like Paul Bunyon during crack night at the ferret hut (or however that metaphor went), and I won't vote for him.
Yes. So, which candidate is planning on stopping me? Would it be the one who spoke at that National Prayer Day observation that wouldn't let my religion participate?
I think there is no compelling reason why civil marriage should be something that excludes committed same-sex couples. So, Mr. Brad and Mr. Chad are cool with me, just like it's cool with me that they vote, pay their taxes, and enjoy the other benefits and duties of being citizens of this country. But Doug, why are you so concerned about what Brad and Chad (and Adam and Steve) are up to? Are you worried that they're having more fun than you are?
Why do you ask? Is George Bush planning on invading UN Headquarters or something?
I love my sister, and so I sat through her clarinet recitals. I also pay my taxes. Because, painful though both may be, belonging to a family and to a nation both entail obligations. Now, a question for Doug: do you love your chlldren, or do you prefer burdening them with a zillion dollar deficit because you wanted to dethrone Hitler wannabes and such, but not part with any of your hard-earned tax breaks?
I believe that the nobody, not even murderers, should be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. So, that Jerry Springer thing is out.
Sure thing, Doug.
Lawless skanks? Can we really vote Ann Coulter to the curb? If so, I will volunteer to register Evangeli-fish to vote! Anyway, as good as Doug's column is, the even bigger news is that he has a new book out! As the bottom of his TownHall column notes:
Hmm, so Doug is "one of the country's hottest young conservative columnists." I hereby demand that he and Yosef fight a duel to the death, for there can be only one "Hottest Young Conservative"! Anyway, I went to Amazon and learned the following about Twerps, Jerks, & Quirks:
Yeah, it's really climbing the charts. But the astute reader will be asking, "What the heck is Xulon Press?" Well, Ms. or Mr. Astute Reader, I Googled, so you don't have to.Xulon Press is the world's largest Christian publisher. We give Christian authors everything they need to get published. Using print-on-demand, we can take your Christian book and make it available to 25,000 bookstores, and online. We can also help promote and publicize your book.
Is Xulon a "vanity" publisher?No. Vanity publishers will charge you thousands of dollars to print a truckload of books, which they will not help you distribute. Xulon uses technology to keep your costs down, allowing you to buy books only as you need them. We also help you distribute your book to bookstores and on the web, paying you a handsome royalty for each copy sold.So, since you pay $1000-$2000 (depending on the package you choose) to get your book published, instead of them taking the risks, Xulon is only a quasi-vanity press, for Christian quasi-suckers. Anyway, here's their info about Doug's new Jerks book: [Note: after looking closely at the cover, I think those caricatures are supposed to be Lynne Cheney, Cher, and Bill Cosby. But I could be wrong.]
Culture: Y'know, there's an across-the-board, generational let down from parents to presidents, from corporate execs to corrupt priests. It has become so bad that skepticism has become a necessary don't-leave-home-without-it cudgel to stave off the Bram Stoker-like blood suckers who attempt to lead us ...astray. Church: What the heck has happened to the Episcopal Church? What is this? Christianity according to the Village People? And how about the hear-see-and-speak-no-evil Roman Catholic hierarchy, with their hide-a-pedophile antics? Of course nobody's perfect, but if we don't start bouncing our houses of worship like Buford Pusser and toss the Hophnis and Phineases out on their heads, God will slap an irreversible anathema on the place.
Author ProfileDoug spent five years getting a four year fine arts degree and six trying to finish his three year masters program, which explains a good deal of his life.
Doug’s written numerous print and audio books; nevertheless, the little voices in his head still won’t go away. 3:37:28 AM |
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