Townhall Review: Bloggers Rule! EditionTownhall has discovered bloggers; they are the best invention since white people ... I mean, white bread ... SLICED bread. Well, at least those superscripty, Courier-kerning, fighting keyboarder ones are. Michelle names the party favorites:
You know, I dispensed with FreeRepublic some time ago, and my life has been much better for it.
Yeah, LittleGreen and Allahpundit are famous for their intrepidity. Oh, and David Duke is best-known for his industriousness. But apparently Dan Rather doesn't appreciate this brave band of bloggers the way that Michelle does, because he allegedly said that they are "partisan political operatives." Which is totally untrue, of course. They are as non-partisan and apolitical as, say, Fox News.
Not true. Some take orders from their cool online imaginary friends, some from their cat, and some from their dark lord Satan
It's true that cyber-cred is everything to serious, responsible bloggers. So, ask some of that kind what they think of FreeRepublic and Little Green Footballs, Michelle. Bloggers are god!
Yes, I've been fact-checking Townhall for nearly a year now, and (if I do say so myself), have proven myself both energetic and competent. And yet, I was not on the Brit Hume show today like the Powerline guy, nor was my blog touted by Pudgy Podhoretz on the O'Reilly Factor. And despite all my efforts, Townhall has still not been condemned by the CDC. So, maybe bloggers aren't god after all. Anyway, per Kathleen, the bonfire of the vanities all stared with FreeRepublic.
Which lives in the house that Jack built.
Yes, most of us blog in the nude. Even I do, per blogger Pete M. of The Dark Window -- so, it must be true.
I am the best blogger of all, for I am a lawyer/professor/scientist/regenage astronaut supermodel spy. By using my specialized knowledge I can prove that not only was there no written language in 1972, but that LittleGreenSpitballs is a site which decent people try to avoid.
Kathleen! We naked nerds do not appreciate your tawdry stories about our sexual prowess appearing in print! Jonah, whose wife has left him for the summer, gets into the wingnut porn and goes crazy.
And apologies to all Christians out there.
If there is a God (or a pissed-off Jesus Christ), the memos will be proven to be authentic, having come from an unimpeachable source (say, Ronald Reagan), just to ruin Jonah's life. (Oh, and the story probably is Jonah's street-urchin flesh and blood, in that it's related to him through his uncle Matt Drudge.) It's Pledge Week yet again at Townhall. Ben is today's poster child for staving pundits. However, being Ben, he begins his ad by reminding us that he is attending an elite Ivy League law school.
No. I learned that in my rocket science class at the Sorbonne. But on to why we should give money to Townhall: it's so they will go from town to town, rescuing drunks from puddles.
Okay, I think we've heard enough to make us donate to AntiTownhall.
In a world ridden with stupidity, is a giant light bulb, attracting conservative moths, and causing some of them fly too close and get their brains fried.
Because if you don't, Ben dies! Rebecca took her 10-year-old daughter Kristin to the Republican convention, and all the kid got was this stupid column. Rebecca starts her report with some sociological observations on what excited the crowd of Bush worshippers.
Sadly for that gullible conservative crowd, all Bush said was, "We must make a place for the unborn child." For all they know, the place the President was referring to is heaven. Or the stem-cell lab. And then Rebecca resorts to the hoariest cliche in the faux-journalist's book: claiming to have interviewed a colorful local who eloquently says just what Rebecca would say if SHE were a colorful local.
Transcript of what the policeman actually said: "Leave me the hell alone, you crazy, old bat -- I'm working!" Rebecca concludes by trying to take away the AWM™ crown away from Meghan:
What Kristin saw was that if she didn't tell Daddy about Mommy's drunken revelry with that delegate from Alaska, she'd get a new iPod. She truly has been taught well about conservative ideals. Mike goes on the radio to explain to the stupid liberal gun haters that even though the assault weapons ban has ended, machine guns are still illegal. While on the air, he got to correct a former police officer, proving that Mike is the most macho guy in North Carolina! Sadly (for Dennis), Dennis Miller wasn't listening to Mike's program. However, an educator was, and he was a big jerk.
Mike is a college professor? Why didn't he ever tell us?
Mike, I suspect it refers to something like this:
Mike, we know you know how to use a search engine to find porn; so, if you wanted to, you could use it to find scores of stories about the thousands of law enforcement groups, police chiefs, and sheriffs who supported the assault weapons ban. But I guess you didn't bother, because you're a college professor and think you're better than us. But on to the part about Dennis Miller.
Hey, it sounds like Dennis is reverting back to liberalism, Mike. Maybe you should shoot him! 5:24:29 AM ![]() |
The ChallengersOur Townhallers did a really wingnutty job today, but their begging for cash has made made them look weak and vulnerable, which has attracted challengers from ChronWatch, NewsNewsDaily, and something called Mullenax News. Will this ragtag bunch of misfits be able to topple the mighty Townhall Team? Let's find out. As our special correspondent andante informed us, Judson dropped out of Lees McRae College because they are all a bunch of commie terrorist traitors there, and they didn't appreciate him. Now he tells the world his story of oppression and heroism
Every class? Even that P.E. class which Andante told us about, where Judson showed up in cowboy boots?
But alas, the authorities didn't appreciate it when he did this in Mrs. Cooper's third grade class.
Yes, poor Judson. Forced to choose between doing really demanding term papers for a school which supports terrorism, or dropping out and living in his mother's basement for a few more years.
College is bogus, man!
So, I guess Judson is enlisting. Way to go, Judson! Since Dr. Seb No! from Sadly, No! is busy moving to his underground fortress this week, he asked me to share with you the latest from his protege, Justin Darr. (Well, Seb sent me a memo which he purportedly wrote on his 1970's electric typewriter requesting as much.) And this works out well, since it seems that Justin wants to take on Yosef and Doug Giles in that "hottest young conservative" match.
I think that was aimed at Yosef, who delights in propagating that myth. (And what makes it worse is that Yosef IS more intelligent, educated, and sophisticated than the common person, which is just what a liberal would do!)
Ooof! Now Justin is throwing metaphors at Doug!
And in a surprise move, Justin has now attacked Zell Miller! This hottest young conservative steel-cage match is really heating up!
God does!
So, if Kerry or the DNC don't admit forging the documents, then it proves that they did it. Got it. Well, it looks like Yosef won that match. However, we haven't yet heard from Rob Tong, who just may be the hottest young conservative whom nobody has ever heard of.
Saddam Hussein and Satan gave it a thumbs-up too, no doubt.
And the standard for Republican presidential conduct has always been, "What would Barack do?
Rob has taken the lead in the hottest young conservative contest with that last revelation, AND he's a shoe-in for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination! So, let's read what I think is his bio:
So, with the additional hotness from his interests in comic strips, DJing Christian country music, and that job with the Internet, I think Rob won this bout of Hottest Young Conservative Wrestling (but Yosef or Doug or Zell could still pull ahead in the days to come). But in regard to the team competition, I have to award the wingnut points to the Townhallers (thanks to Jonah and Ben). Yes, the pros at Townhall have triumphed over their amateur, unpaid opponents. A victory indeed for conservative thought! 3:54:57 AM |
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