Some Quick Items1. The Sleaziest Rise to Fame EVER! In a piece called BOOK EXCERPT: HOW MY STORY ABOUT AIR-SECURITY LIMITS REALLY TOOK OFF, Michael Smerconish explains how his article (the one that claimed that airlines are fined by the FAA for giving more than two Arab males extra screening at one time) crawled out of the slime and grew legs.
IMHO, if you owe your rise to "fame" to people like Lucianne Goldberg, Laurie Mylroie, Michelle Malkin, and Kathryn Jean Lopez, you'd be better off claiming that you sexually serviced the entire Regnery editorial staff in order to get a book deal. 2. Racial Profiling Our Way to Victory And speaking of Michelle, here's part a report on her appearance at Johns Hopkins:
But putting people in internment camps based on their race is simple common sense!
Maybe -- but the thing is, it didn't. There's no evidence it saved any lives in W.W.II. While it might have saved on lives on September 11, 2001, it would only have worked if we had gone back in time with what we know now, and used it on that day. Because if, on the day Bush took office, we had started strip-searching all Arab passengers before letting them board planes, I would posit that the terrorists would have just used people from a different racial group to get their weapons on board. And thousands of innocent people would have been harassed for no good reason. That's why racial profiling doesn't work.
Then why does she use the precedent of Japanese interment camps to make her case? 3. The Airhead News From the WZYZ TV News web report of their story, "Bush Twins Campaign in Michigan":
So, to recap: the Bush twins were in Michigan campaigning for their Dad; they were in Brighton, speaking to Bush/Cheney supporters, and spoke in Brighton, to people supporting Bush/Cheney.
If you watch the video of the blonde newscaster giving her report, you also learn that the girls wore "cute little tops."
Second public campaign[ed] appearance? Well, after the disastrous convention speech, I guess the rest weren't open to the public.
No reporter left behind!
Since Jenna wasn't able to benefit from the excellent education her father advocates and so had to go to school in Texas, I guess we can't expect her to be aware of things like this Voice of America report (emphasis added):
Of course, Voice of America is on the radio, so one doesn't have to be literate to get their information, but I'm sure Jenna has other reasons for her ignorance -- such as the fact that Karen Hughes writes her speeches. Now, for the conclusion of the WXYZ story:
So, it was the twins' "second public campaigned appearance," in that members of the public weren't allowed to attend the event. Got it. 4. Good Reading at a Good Price! The new issue of Virtual Occoquan, featuring the best of the Salon blogs, is up. Enjoy such features as: And many more! So, enjoy them, won't you? I know I did! 6:54:59 AM ![]() |
Buy More Tide and Crest!
They say they won't tolerate discrimination? Those bastards! Anyway, some background: the "special rights" in that "law" is the right not to be discriminated against because of sexual orientation. From a recent A.P. story:
Is Focus on the Family and the AFA going to ban the Chamber of Commerce and Archbisop Pilarczyk? Time will tell. But back to WorldNetDaily, where Mr. Dobson will explain how being against discrimination means that Procter & Gamble is supporting the gay agenda.
Procter & Gamble said that they haven't taken a position on same-sex marriage, and merely "opposed a Cincinnati statute that precludes protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination" --but since the company has aligned itself with radical groups such as Special Olympics, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the United Negro College Fund, and UNICEF, it is clearly bad for our country.
Yeah! The people who value discrimination have had their values disregarded, and they're not going to wash their clothes or brush their teeth until P&G denounces their stand and comes out in favor of bigotry. I hope those corporate monsters with the lost compasses get the message. If you go to the American Family Association's online petition, it explains why anyone who doesn't believe in discrimination must believe that same sex marriage should be legalized. (Emphasis in the original)
And taking AFA at their word, they support intolerance and nuttiness. But of course, you already knew tha, for the head of this group is Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, whose resume includes:
And many more! But not much recently -- which could be why Wildmon decided to lead this stupid boycott. For he does have a history with P&G afterall. Some history from The Media Coalition:
So, since intimidating P&G helped Wildmon gain power, fame, and a six-figure salary once before, I gues he's decided to do it again. But I doubt it will work this time. As for Dobson, he's just pinned his wagon to the "ban gay marriage" star, and I guess he'll do anything to publicize his cause. In any case, while it won't really make any difference, I plan to buy Tide and Crest, just to strike a symbolic blow against the forces of discrimination. 5:49:22 AM |
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