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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

September 19, 2004 by s.z.

Teens' Letters to God About Sex 
Hey, kids, time for some more advice from "Dear Susie"  (she's the "Dear Abby" for the girls whose parents make them read 'Focus on the Family's' Brio magazine).  To make it more interesting, see if you can figure out which answers are Susie's and which are mine (all the questions come directly from the Dear Susie column, though).
1.  Dear Susie: I just started my period, and I hate wearing pads. My mom says I can’t wear a tampon because I’m a virgin. Is it ungodly to wear a tampon?
Dear Puzzled:
You’d be amazed at the amount of letters we receive from girls asking if it’s morally wrong to wear tampons. I’ll be straight and simple: it is ungodly to wear a tampon before marriage, because nothing should go "there" before your husband. 
And in any case, the Bible says to obey your parents, so you must do what your mother says, even if it seems nonsensical and loony to you.
2.  Dear Susie:I have a problem with lust and thinking about sex. Every time I see a cute guy, I look in the wrong places and think the wrong things! I feel guilty about this, and I’ve asked God to help me, but I can’t seem to get myself to stop. I even think about what it’s going to be like on my wedding night. Is this wrong? What should I do?
Dear Guilty:
God created us as sexual beings. He understands your thoughts, desires and needs. And while God wants to keep you from sin, He doesn’t expect you to live without sexual feelings.
I suggest finding an accountability partner — another woman who’s a little older than yourself — with whom you can talk, pray and share your struggles.
Tell her your sexual fantasies and lustful thoughts, and listen to hers in turn.  This will help keep you from having bad thoughts about boys.
3.  Dear Susie:I started liking my guy friend as more than just a friend. Know what I mean? So I had one of my friends ask him out for me. He didn’t give her an answer, but he said he’d call me. He never did. So I wrote him a letter. He never answered it.  I began to realize he probably wasn’t interested, so I called him and apologized. Just recently I found out he’s dating someone. I feel as though I’ve ruined our friendship. I still really like him, but I’m willing to settle for just being friends — rather than nothing at all. What should I do?
Dear Confused:
I know this isn’t what you want to hear. In fact, there’s probably not a teen girl in the whole world wanting to hear this. But because I want you to know the truth, I’ll say it anyway, okay?
Let the guy take the initiative! God designed males to be the head of their household, and to be the provider and caregiver of their family.
With the risk of sounding harsh, girls, please take a few hints. If you call a guy, and he doesn’t return the call DROP IT. If you’ve written him a note, and he hasn’t responded, GET A CLUE.  
Geez, are you some kind of moron, as well as an unbiblical feminist who went against God's plan for dating? 
4.  Dear Susie: I want to start a Christian rock band with some of my friends. People tell me it’ll be really hard to learn electric guitar, but I want to do it. I believe God has given me this passion. What do you think I should do?
Dear Confused: If God has really given you the idea to start a Christian rock band, then He will make it possible for you to play the electric guitar.  But if you suck at it, then either you are going against God's will (because He is sick and tired of bad Christian bands), or you were really listening to Satan.  Best of luck to you!
5.  Dear Susie:
Is there anything wrong with watching horror movies? I mean what’s the big deal?
Dear Curious:
If you simply want to watch a movie that’s scary and full of adventure, I understand that. But the problem is, most scary movies are also full of violence, bad language and sex.
Ever heard the saying, “Garbage in, garbage out”? It’s really true. Whatever we put into our minds will eventually come out. It will show up in our attitudes, our secret thoughts and our lifestyle.
If you watch "Friday the 13th," then premarital sex, foul language, and serial killing will become part of your lifestyle.  Is that what you want, Little Miss Curious?
6.  Dear Susie:
I’m 16 and a junior in high school. I’ve been a Christian for several years and understand that premarital sex is wrong. I’ve made a promise to God that I’ll remain a virgin until I get married.
My problem isn’t my non-Christian friends; it’s my Christian friends. The scary and sad thing is I’m more afraid that my Christian friends aren’t virgins anymore. They’ve recently been talking about how sex before marriage is OK. I was shocked to hear this from those who’ve been my friends for as long as I can remember. What’s your take on this subject?
Staying Pure

Dear S.P.:Your letter saddens me, but unfortunately I find it easy to believe. I too am afraid that your Christian friends aren't virgins anymore.  You need to find out for sure just how far they've gone.  God is counting on you to rat them out!
7.  Dear Susie: I love to sing, and I’m one of the few altos in our church choir and our youth choir. My dad works in the sound booth and says he can tell I’m singing flat. I don’t know what to do! I love to sing and praise the Lord, but am I going to hurt His ears?
Flat Alto
Dear Flat Alto:
Oh, my, yes!  And you'll probably give Him a bad headache, causing Him to get distracted and fail to save some innocent baby from a flood, or to help some sports team win the championship.  So, please, please, either learn to sing right, or shut the hell up!
8.  Dear Susie:
I’m wondering what you think about the gothic scene. I’m a 17-year-old girl who’s decided to experiment with it. I’ve started wearing black eyeliner, and I also use it to make a small black line at the side of my eyes. I’m not a freak, but I do wear a dog collar, and I’ve started wearing gothic jewelry.
My spiritual life? Well, I’ve always had a hard time with God, and in the past, I’ve experimented with a little witchcraft.
So what do you think? Is it right or wrong? I haven’t practiced witchcraft in about four years, so I’m not into Satan anymore.
Gothic in Texas
Dear Gothic:The lifestyle of the whole gothic culture has occultic associations — including violence. Even if you don’t intend to be caught up in this area, it’s worth thinking through the image you’ll portray to others when deciding if you really want to be connected with this subculture.
I’m also relieved to know you haven’t practiced witchcraft in four years. According to Galatians 5:20, witchcraft is an act of the sinful nature — not something for Christians to be involved with.
You say that because you haven’t practiced witchcraft in a while, you’re “not into Satan anymore.” But simply not doing bad stuff won’t secure you a relationship with Christ. If you’re not for Him, you’re actually against Him. In other words, there are just two sides. Not making a decision for Christ is the same as following Satan — both will lead you to hell.
So, you might as well go back to your orgies and your sacrificing babies, because by wearing black eyeliner, you've announced that you're not into Christ either.
9.  Dear Susie:Do you have any info on the abortion pill RU-486?
Dear Searching:
I’ve heard 86 is a slang word for death. Sometimes a restaurant’s kitchen staff will use this lingo to mean something’s gone — there’s no more of it. Interesting, huh? I guess we could interpret RU-486 as "Are you for death?"
10.  Dear Susie:Last week I went to youth group, and my friends started making fun of me for not wearing Adidas shoes. They were really cruel and didn’t let up.
Now, of course, I want to get Adidas, but I don’t want it to seem like I’m giving up — though I guess I am. They’re good Christians and give good advice about stuff, but I’m so tired of their cruelty. What should I do?
Singled Out
Dear S.O.:
If they're good Christians, and give good advice, then they are probably right  about you being a loser for not wearing Adidas shoes.   You should try to be more like them.  From now on, only wear the name-brands they wear. Remember: God doesn't like nonconformists!

So, did you deduce which answers were mine, and which were Susie's? 

Yes, I gave the helpful and biblically inspired answers to #1, #4, #6, #7, and #10, although I did crib several of the first sentence from Susie.  And I am certain I said what she would have said, if it weren't for that damned political correctness, and those namby-pamby Brio editors.

Susie provided the guidance in #2, #3, #5, #8, and #9 -- but I contributed the last paragraph in each of them, to help clarify Susie's advice.   (Except for the one about RU-486, which was all Susie -- just not her entire response.)

I hope this rap session has helped you kids to get square with that cat called God, because he's the ginchiest!  And you can read more about Him in a really cool book called the Bible.  Now, have a safe and bland Sabbath. 

2:02:26 AM

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